Travis shot Felix a panicked and obviously stressed look, "now you tell me?!" With Felix having been on the sideline the entire time observing the events as they came to be, finally hearing the Arch-Magi's desperate feedback was almost unwarranted to Travis, even after having gone so far in cutting out the curse deeply imbedded within Zuri's manawell. It was clear that the notion wasn't well received. Nevertheless, Travis frantically complied and attempted to have the Causality Scryer go a full hard stop; something he had not even performed and neither believed it to be a necessary resort. He turned his right hand in the spell control scheme, manipulating its directives to cease all actions. It was tight, but Travis managed to stop the cleaning circle within a meter of reaching Zuri and the entity before them. In procedure, the guiding beam, along with the scanning threads disengaged and vanished in response to Travis essentially throwing the spells kill switch. Frustration and contempt manifested through his angered expression, initially throwing his exhausted gaze at the cursed being before glancing back to Felix and then to their original quarry. He breathed heavily having used both spells non-stop in over the course of a minute. While he still retained some mana left, the stress of running more than one spell lingered one but regardless of that, he still kept his left hand trained on the curse's physical profile, unsure and even doubtful if the being before them still held and volatile intent towards him. "...well?" he loosely asked the cursed form, honestly not expecting a verbal answer though rather wanting it to disperse as he became more concerned with Zuri's condition as seconds pasted. With the entity still at play he rather not aggravate it any more by pulling anything further. Even trying to get any closer was out of the question.