The constant glances of patrons made her a bit paranoid, as she seem to forget that a Brotherhood assassin could be out for her at any moment. She just hopes this companions group would be willing to take in new members. Maira turned around to her side as she glimpsed Keldan waving at her, next to her was two other people. The guys the informant just mentioned. A redguard, A bosmer and later on the dunmer followed. She chugged another full goblet of spiced wine, then swaggered towards Keldan first. "Hey." She shamelessly winked at Keldan, leaning with her elbow on the bar's surface. All the while she was glancing at the people behind her. She had to get their attention without being too direct or desperate. That's just not how she works. Discretion is always the guild's primary approach on things, and what better way to do it is while subtly flirting with a pretty young thing. Good thing that wine fuelled her up for this. She took a big nervous breath. "You know, Keldan." she starts, making sure her voice was clear for others close enough to hear. "It is always rewarding to come to a place like this, where the food is warm, the drinks are great, and the bards are attractive," she tries to compose herself "specially after a very long day of dirty work" Maira momentarily glanced at the people behind her, and back to Keldan. "By dirty work, I mean hard and gritty mercenary work. I'm a mercenary you see. Why just this morning I got jumped by a group of bandits on my way here. It was probably nine, ten of them. Poor sods, didn;t stood a chance. My blades were just too fast for them." She would find herself losing track at the other woman's stare, but it did not make her stop completely.