Alit looked down at the pipe, waving her hand. "No. No. It looks pretty, though," she said, then brought her hand up and pointed to her left temple, just next to the pale eye, "Alcohol and smoke give me bad migraines." Still, she took a seat at a free barstool. She focused on other things for the moment, most prominently the Orc that just started raving. Was she trying to flirt with the bard or something? Alit wasn't good at that sort of thing either, but at least she knew when to give up. Unless... She leaned forward a little, peering past Velan and Jarett to see the Orc, noting that she was dressed suspiciously similar to some of the thieves she's seen around Skyrim a few times. But whatever. Alit decided to just watch and listen as subtly as possible, finding herself curious.