Kai was relieved when Isago suggested going elsewhere to speak about the matter. In addition to what was already on the boy's mind, the tavern's crowd and noise as well as the presence of the pirate he recognized were making the current situation extremely uncomfortable for him. What he needed was a quiet place, and perhaps some fresh air for him to calm himself. "That's an excellent idea, Sir. I'd rather anywhere else but here," he replied eagerly while nodding. Isago's question after he signaled to the other group members present then caught Kai off guard. The child had not realized how obvious it had been. He was also rather confused at the man's first guess being that they had been lovers, though, he figured afterwards that it was probably just his sense of humor. Kai took one more glance at the mentioned individual before letting out a sigh. "No, you... don't want to hear about it, and uh, I only find lasses beautiful, but I've never loved one either." [@King Tai] [@KatherinWinter] [@FalkiThomas] [@GingerBoi123]