His head injury must have been more serious than what she had initially assumed. Raising an eyebrow at him, Cielle tilted her head to the side, a finger on her cheek as she tried to think. Clearly he had no intention of believing her, even though she was telling him the truth. Denial was a strong medicine, it seemed. Not that she entirely blamed him, but she was at a loss at what to do. No, it was simply out of her hands. If he wasn't going to take her word from it, then she would need help. Turning her face away from him, she kept her eyes on Kai. He seemed so sure, she suddenly felt that she wanted to know why. But now was not the time or place. "[color=deepskyblue]I'm not sure why you would think I was joking. Come, then, I'll ask my friend to take a look at you, her healing magic is stronger than mine,[/color]" Cielle stated, beckoning him to follow, though as she took the first step forward, something in the air changed. Jumping back, several puffs of darkness formed around them. "[color=deepskyblue]Of course the Heartless would show up,[/color]" She rolled her eyes as the small Shadow Heartless twitched this way and that around them, extending her left hand out. "[color=deepskyblue]Don't worry, I'll protect you, just be sure to stay back.[/color]" She told him, her hand grasping the air as a burst of light brought forth [url=https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net/project_modules/disp/37368c18435087.562c96e210676.png]her weapon[/url]. As the first Heartless decided to take a leap at her, she grasped her Keyblade with both hands, swinging it from bottom to top. Instead of waiting for the rest to take action, however, she decided to clear a path. "[color=deepskyblue][I]Thunder[/I]![/color]" She shouted as she raised her Keyblade in the air, watching as a few stray bolts of lightning collided with the Heartless in front of them. "[color=deepskyblue]We can go this way![/color]" She told Kai.