[hider=Archer] [img]https://static.zerochan.net/Red.Lancer.full.1655173.jpg[/img] [hr] [b]Name: [/b]Karna [b]Title(s):[/b] Son of the Sun God, Hero of Charity [b]Class:[/b] Archer [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Birth and Death Dates: [/b]9th century before christ to 8th century before christ. [b]Alignment:[/b] Lawful Good [b]Personality:[/b] A great hero known for his many charities and nobility in life, this is his persona before the exhibition tournament arranged by the Royal Tutor to showcase the Prince’s martial skills. In those times, he was a virtuous but arrogant hero, charitable but rash, for he yet had to learn from experience the foolishness of such. He is someone who discerns others true nature, and reveal it, causing many to dislike him as there many things that shouldn’t be put into words, yet he still does and in a rather blunt manner. This due to the fact that he accepts those and everything as normal and truth, and as such there is nothing to be ashamed of. [b]Bio:[/b] Karna is the son of the Sun God Surya and the human Princess Kunti, who was given a special boon with the ability to invoke any deity to give her a child. As Kunti was unwed and thus wary of the repercussions of such child would have on her reputation, she asked for the Sun God to give to the child a proof that he was his son, which give to Karna, the invulnerable Golden Armor and Earrings. She would then abandon her son into the river, who would be picked up and raised by charioteers. Kunti also would later on invoke others deities and give birth to the Pandava brothers, one of the two Royal families that caused the great war. Karna was a brilliant and virtuous child, raised by those who picked him up as if he was their own son. He, even from an early age was highly perceptive and due to his surroundings, grew to be more discerning of others true nature. Despite that, he himself grew as someone who truly accepts all things as if they were just a part of normal. In his adolescence, he grew interessed in the arts of warfare and thus seeked every possible teacher that he could find, but he was always denied due to his caste, as they would only teach the Kshatriya, with the exception of Parashuma, who due to his grudge wouldn’t teach the military caste. However, one day, as his teacher fell asleep on Karna lap, a bee stunged Karna thigh, who endured the pain as not to awaken his teacher, but as he eventually woke up, he was enraged, for only those of the Kshatriya caste could resist the pain. And thus he cursed Karna, that he would lose knowledge of the most powerful Astra, the brahmastra, the moment he needed the most. Though as his anger dimished with time, he regretted giving him such a curse, and thus gave his personal bow, Vijaya, to Karna. As he grew more accomplished, he would participated in a tournament arranged by the Royal Teacher, to display the martial arts of the five Pandavas Brothers, who had great skills, with Arjuna being the most renowned, specially at the bow. They would however ridicule Karna for his unknown origins, despite him displaying skill at their level if not exceeding, seeing this, Duryodhana, a rival Prince went in and gave to Karna a kingdom and his friendship, which both would remain as the greatest of friends till their life ended. As the enemity between the two royal families and that of the Karna and the Pandavas Brothers grew, war was all but inevitable. Indra, seeking victory for his son Arjuna, but knowing that he could not win while Karna possessed the golden armor and earrings, disguised himself as a Brahmin, priest caste, and asked for the armor and earrings as alms while Karna worshipped the Sun at the midday, for he swore that he would not turn away any who asked him for alms while he was at his worship. Despite him knowing the true identity of the priest, as he has been warned by the Sun God on the day before and knowing that by giving away his armor and earrings, he was also in fact handing victory and his life, in the end, he still gave them away. And it was such an act, that Indra honor would be tainted if he did not give a gift of equal value, and thus his strongest weapon was handed to Karna. Before the war started, his mother, Kunti went to meet him and try to convince him to join the Pandavas side, as she revealed the truth of his birth. He had no hatred for her, and so Karna, promised that he would only kill Arjuna and spare the others brothers, as he would never betray his friend, who was the only one who was willing to do so and yet wouldn’t allow her to go returning with nothing. And the war was waged, with each side numbering millions and having countless heroes, it was a mythological war, in the seventeen day, Karna battled against Arjuna and due to the several plots and curses that acted against him, he lost the battle and his life, while he was trying to [b]Weapon:[/b] His personal bow, the Celestial Bow Vijaya. [hr] [b]Parameters:[/b] [i]Strength:[/i] B [i]Endurance:[/i] B [i]Agility:[/i] A [i]Mana:[/i] B [i]Luck:[/i] D [hr] [b]Class Skills:[/b] •[b]Magic Resistance:[/b]C Cancel spells with a chant below two verses. Cannot defend against magecraft on the level of High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals. However, this is not the case when receiving the effect of his golden armor Noble Phantasm, making his Magic Resistance not be limited by this weakness. •[b]Independent Action:[/b]E(C) Due to his personality and loyalty, Karna compatibility towards this skill is at the lowest possible for an archer, fitting it to be more of a ‘soldier’ than anything else. It's actually higher than this, but he himself sealed it, as he sees no reason to continue the fight after his master is gone. [hr] [b]Personal Skills:[/b] •[b]Discernment of the Poor:[/b]A Insight to see through the opponent's character and attribute. He will not be deceived by excuses and deceptions from words. It expresses the power to grasp the true nature of the opponent possessed by Karna, who was blessed with the opportunity to inquire about the life and value of the weak due to being someone without a single relative. •[b]Uncrowned Martial Arts:[/b] - Arms competency that went unrecognized due to various reasons. According to the opponent sword, spear, bow, riding, and divinity's ranks all appear one rank lower than they actually are. After the True Name is revealed the effect disappears. •[b]Mana Burst (Flames):[/b] A Weapons and body are infused with magical energy,this instantaneous release elevates ability. In Karna's case burning flames turn into magical energy that infuse the weapon. •[b]Divinity:[/b] B Sun God Surya's son. This is however a younger version of him, and thus he hasn't reunited with Surya yet, which reduces his true rank by one. This Divine Spirit aptitude is for when fighting Sun God Class Heroic Spirits with Divinity C rank and lower. High defensive power is shown. •[b]Riding:[/b] A All vehicles and all beasts excepting those of Phantasmal Beast and Divine Beast-rank can be freely operated. [hr] Noble Phantasm: [b]Name:[/b] Vijaya [b]Title:[/b] O Sun, Be Ever Invincible [b]Rank:[/b] A+ [b]NP Type:[/b]Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm [b]Range:[/b] 2-99 [b]Maximum Number of Targets:[/b] 1 [b]Description: [/b] A Celestial Bow gifted by Parashuma to Karna, after he regretted giving him a curse when he was angry of finding the truth. It’s originally was a bow made by the devas to amplify their already great energies into a greater and more concentrated form. It originally didn’t hold the Sun divine attribute, but after being held by Karna for so long, it’s nature itself began to change, becoming a celestial bow of the sun itself. As such it has an effect of transforming the arrows that it shot into something closer to the nature of the sun light, becoming arrows of light. It’s true effect however is that of a way to convert and amplify the energies contained of the Sun Armor into an arrow of concentrated light that will pierce anything and grant victory without fail. In fact, it has great efficiency at doing so, that it will convert energy from the armor at a rate of 1 to 2. [hr] [b]Name:[/b]Kavacha and Kundala: O Sun, Become Armor [b]Rank:[/b] A [b]Type:[/b] Anti-Unit (Self) Noble Phantasm [b]Range:[/b] 0 [b]Maximum Targets:[/b] 1 Person The Golden Armor and Earrings given to Karna as proof of his lineage by his father, the Sun God Surya, it is said to be able to make the wearer invincible in battle. It is an armor and earrings made of amrita, the nectar of the gods and light itself, as such it seems to be close I nature to that of a philosopher stone, capable of absorbing and storing light in such a way that it will grow. In effect, it is still a powerful NP, with the same effect as his armor when summoned as a Lancer, but it’s not the ‘mature’ version of it and as such it has a reduced effect but also capability to grow. As such, it goes from '10' to '90' in terms of damage reduction. As it has been with Karna since birth, it becomes closer in nature to a second skin rather than an armor. [hr] [b]Name:[/b]Brahmastra Kundala: O Brahma, Curse Me [b]Rank:[/b] A+ [b]Type:[/b] Anti-Country Noble Phantasm [b]Range:[/b] 2~90 [b]Maximum Targets:[/b] 600 People One of the personal weapon of the Great God Brahma, Karna was granted it from the Brahman Parashurama, his teacher. As an archer, it manifest as a bow which overlay with the Vijaya, creating flames around it, in other classes it generally takes the form of a fiery projectile which causes destruction on it’s wake. It is a weapon famous for it’s extremely destructive capacity, which was futher heightened by Karna flame attribute, likening one of it’s blow to that of a nuclear weapon. Astras are known for their capability of having many forms, with Brahmastra being an exceptional one in that, as it was once even used on a blade of grass. [/hider] [hr] [hider=Master] [img]https://i.imgur.com/MmXdo8V.jpg[/img] [hr] [b]Name:[/b] Alice Acker [b]Title(s):[/b] Automation Master, Head of the Acker family [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 71 [b]Alignment:[/b] Lawful Neutral [b]Rank:[/b] Brand [b]Objective for the Grail:[/b] She requires components, for the construction of the ultimate automation, the Machine God able to overshadow all that is alive. [hider=Command Seal:] [img]https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/butterfly-shape-10621767.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hr] [b]Personality:[/b] She is very antisocial and sultry person, who dedicates all of her time into a refining her magic arts, as such she has always been distant and cold to others, not caring for such unless they directly concern to that of her extremely narrow interests. With her skills at her artes being the thing that is most proud of. As such, she is extremely inexperienced and awkward in socializing herself, being extremely blunt and often outright insulting, thus looking like she is arrogant. She also believes that she will never be lonely as long as she has her machines as companions. [b]Bio: [/b] A famous specialist from the Clocktower that has already been alive for a long time. Her skills at her specialities are renowned but at everything else, she is at most average and at worst she is abysmal. The family started off as a branch of the Eulyphis family, working in the field of liquid manipulation for generations till they decided to focus everything they had on the art of Automation, leaving their old magic behind. She is a prodigy of her magic and the only child of the previous family head, at a young age, she has been traumatized with the death of her father and most close relative and has been dedicating herself completely to her field in her memory. Since childhood she has always been a bright child with deep interest towards the working of steam machines, with it’s hydrodynamics being a point of much study to her. It has reached the point where there is nothing more that she loves in the world than the automations. She has been at the Clocktower for a long time, first as a student and then as a professor, studying and refining her artes and skills. But as time has passed, Automatons have been fallen out of grace more and more for favor of Puppets. This has been extremely disgruntling for her, who see the shadow of her father in this beloved magic’s, and thus it is her objective to revive this field into prominence once again. In order to do so, she decided to integrate the old family magic with the new, to create something new that would be better than either of the old ones. And with an ultimate objective of creating something that is beyond all that is known, a machine god that is the culmination of all that is machine, an ultimate existence of pure logic and order. [hr] [b]Magic Circuit Switch:[/b] The beating of her heart. [b]Number of Magic Circuits:[/b] A [b]Quality of Magic Circuits:[/b] C [b]Elemental Affinity:[/b] Water & Wind [hr] [b]Magecraft:[/b] •[b]General Magecraft:[/b] Basic Magecraft learned by every magus in the clockwork tower, it includes basics of formalcraft, magic theory and others minor subjects. As she is more of a specialist than a generalist, her skill at this is at best average. [hr] •[b]Automation Construction:[/b] A field of magic that involves the creation of highly complex machines that simulate biological beings. They might be made to be indistinguishable in exterior from normal beings or be plainfully obvious at it. It’s a dying field, however XXX is a prodigy and has been at it for a very long time. [hr] •[b]Liquid Manipulation:[/b] A magic that uses both the element of Water and Wind to control liquids. His family has been working on this for quite some time, though it has been rather abandoned in favor of Automation in recent generations, but she is also a prodigy at this art and has greatly focus in it’s studies. [hr] •[b]Spiritual Evocation:[/b] As a branch family of the Eulyphis family(heads of the spiritual evocation department), the Acker family inherited a lot of knowledge and continued on it’s study of this particular field even after they started to focus on Automata’s. It’s a particular magic that involves the summoning and usage of spirits. [b]Crest:[/b] 6 generations. [hr] [b]Weapon/Mystic Code:[/b] •[b]Hundred Armed Mercury Automata:[/b] This is at this moment, the peak of her artes, her great experiment of fusing two magic into something new. This is an automation which incorporates mercury as it’s lifeblood, serving in an auxiliary working of its many internal systems(such as muscles, nervous system, blood and so on) and even having entire systems (such as healing, weapons and so on)made entirely out of mercury, as thus it is a highly complex machine that of such degree that there shouldn’t be many which are more complex than in it in the entire world. It is a humanoid-looking automation, made with such care as to look like the same as a human being, though it possess a hundred arms, but it has the ability to hide them as they aren’t necessary most of the time. It is made of a variety of materials, most of them being magically treated as to lighten it’s weight(an important thing when considering that automation are made out of metals) and enhance it’s durability and resistance to stress, also as it is a machine it has strength beyond a man and agility to match. It houses a hundred and one spirits, one in each arm, except for a central higher class spirit of a certain martial artist which oversees and manages all others. It is thus grant the Automata great degree of autonomy and capability to obey some more complex orders. To control the mercury in it’s body, it possess a mystic code specially made in order to self regulate it’s systems and thus it acts as a ‘heart’ to the automation. The mercury is able to do self-repair to some extent, be it able to graft limbs back, manually replace components, or even temporarily assume the form of said components in emergencies. It’s also serve in the roles of attack, defense and scouting for the machine, who keep additional mercury, not necessary for the working of said machine as reserve. Curiously, it’s commonly dressed as maid, probably because of a certain someone tastes. Despite all it’s strengths, it’s still a new prototype, so it’s expected to have several faults and bugs left to resolve. [hr] •[b]Butterflies Automata:[/b] A set of flying Automatas with the form of butterflies. They are excellent for scouting and recon, though not serving much aside to that. Each of them houses a spirit in order to have some more autonomy. •[b]Exceptional Benefit:[/b] Supply Lines, she has a steady supply of parts for her mystic codes, including automata parts, mercury and animal spirits. [/hider]