Ooh! I'd love to jump on board with this with a quick and hopefully simple request. There's a character of mine in a fantasy setting with a touch of steampunk who I'd love to have a base design for, since I don't really have any sketches or concept art of her or anything yet. If it catches your fancy, I'd be super grateful if you'd draw her! [hider=Freesia]For a quick description, here's why I said it would be easy. She doesn't actually show any physical features, since due to a particular curse, she perpetually covers her body and hides her face from view with a hood and a mask. On the other hand, though, she's not really trying to stand out if at all possible, so I'd rather not just go with what I like to call the "Nazgul approach" where she's just an amorphous, vaguely human-shaped cloak wandering around being sp00ky. Besides, she lives on the fringes of society and kind of has to make due with what she can scrounge up, so her outfit should probably be a bit more cobbled together from, say, a tunic, maybe some bandages, what's left of an old mantle draped over one shoulder with the frayed hood pulled up as far as it will go, gloves and boots to hide her extremities, a tattered scarf around her neck pulled up over the bottom half of her face, etc. Basically, I'm not too picky on specifics for this part, just give the outfit some character. :P I'm assuming it'll be black and white like the sample pictures, so color isn't that big a deal, but for reference if it helps you visualize it at all, it's probably mostly earthy colors like black, brown, or grey. As for relative proportions and body language, she's pretty short, and likely to look even smaller due to hunching slightly or having her head generally turned downward or what have you. If you can make her seem slightly timid or anxious just by the way she's posing, good on you, but again, this is mostly just to help envision it. For the mask, not something overly fancy or ostentatious, but probably just something made of simple, smooth wood, with maybe a few markings or runes or magic charms or what have you etched or scratched into it. No details like a face or mouth or anything, just a hole for her eyes (which are light blue, incidentally, in case that helps any). The mask might be cracked or chipped or broken in places, but the rest of her face is probably overshadowed by her hood anyway so you can't see it clearly, wrapped in bandages/bandanas/it's odd how similar those two words are isn't it?, or something like that. At most, maybe a bit of messy, short hair (She has light brown hair) might be hanging down, but that's about it. The only accessories she might have would probably be solely practical ones, like maybe a satchel for carrying stuff or a belt with some pouches. The only other real details I'd be a stickler for that I can think of is that there are two [url=http://kimberlyshaw.typepad.com/.a/6a00e553a485f68834013482346cf0970c-pi]flowers[/url] adorning her outfit. One is in her hair sticking out of a small hole in the right side of her hood, and the other is over the center of her chest at the base of her neck, woven through another small hole, maybe with some bandage wrappings underneath concealing her body.[/hider] Thank you!