[quote=@The Harbinger of Ferocity] That seems to be the best opportunity we have then, the kobolds' dwelling and carelessly lit torches, [@Hekazu]. The real question is, does there appear to be any danger, as with guards? Given this is a secondary objective and Brannor is outnumbered by a lot, staying out of sight and mind is more important. If not, could Brannor reasonably fire a lit arrow at the unattended stack, since he had all of his equipment back? If all else fails? [/quote] The trouble with the kobold dwellings is the kobolds themselves. The more humanoid cultists seem to steer clear of the little folk though, so it could also prove to be an advantage. Kobolds seem to mostly move in groups instead of steady streams, but while that makes breaks in their presence longer, it also means getting found out would be a bigger risk. As for the unattended torches, there is a tinderbox nearby even without Brannor providing his own. He should be able to pick one from there without too much of an issue, though since both potential acts do hold the risk of getting found out case Stealth should be rolled in the case of either choice being pursued.