The cops on the other end went to open fire however one of the soldiers threw a short fused flashabang grenade in there before they could fire a few shots. The hall was short, and the cops weren't able to react in time to both things. As the flashbang went off the cops were dazed, and disoriented. Then as Skyfall charged at them they were smashed against the wall with vicious force while it didn't kill them it broke a few of their bones. About five officers in total were down that hall however it attracted the noise of the other police who came running to assist only to get shot down by the Captain's expert level marksmanship. The other soldiers pushed the cops pushing them out of the floor those who didn't were on the ground bleeding, dead, or injured in various manners. [b]"No I'm fine just we need to push the cops out of the building, or at least give the extraction team enough time to get out of the building. We're still a part of the distraction team remember that. Problem is I don't know how long pedal boy, and his lackies will wait outside. They'll bound to do something soon."[/b] grumbled the captain as he ordered his men to get to the staircases, and move up to the next floors carefully. [b]"I suggest we press our advantage. The heroes outside won't get in as long as we have hostages, and they don't plan on a big move. May as well flip the table."[/b]