[center][img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/up2g9Xw0YdBWjRURarSq26dqWPn18NgkOhO8N0dL1f0/https/pre00.deviantart.net/d46b/th/pre/i/2018/066/3/d/the_last_day_of_summer_by_picolo_kun-dc57jkp.jpg?width=504&height=703[/img] [i]Superman is dead[/i] [i]The world needs new heroes[/i] [i]But they are far from ready to save it[/i] [/center] Hello there, welcome to the Interest Check for Titans: West Coast. This RP will take a DC Universe in which the Dead of Superman, at the hands of Doomsday, has recently occurred, shattering the Justice League Trinity and leaving the world in a confused state of vulnerability. The current Teen Titans project is the second generation, a previous group of Titans having been raised under the wing of the Trinity into the original members of the Justice League. Now with Superman dead, and the world short on heroes, the powers that be have once again gathered to prepare a new generation of heroes. Dick Grayson, recently turned Nightwing, has now restarted the Titans project in an effort to fill the void. Players can take on the role of any Titans character, or, they can 'titanify' other DC heroes. A prime example of this will be myself, playing a version of Barry Allen as the first flash, with his background altered to suit joining the Titans at this stage. In terms of setting, the DC world of the rp is much the same as ours. While Superheroes have been a known quantity for some time, they have not been in vast numbers. The Titans are being trained up to be fully fledged heroes out of necessity, rather than simply to contain a group of superpowered/dangerous teenagers. The rp is something of a sandbox, enabling characters to pursue their own storylines, but has episodic elements that will bind the team and character arcs together, resulting in several large 'plots' to pursue. GMs will be myself and Ruby. If this interests you, feel free to sound off! Thanks for reading. Chat Link: https://discord.gg/B3vsAjA CS Sheet so people can get going: Name: Alias: Age: Powers/Drawbacks: Skills: Bio: Bio just needs to be a few paragraphs or so to give a good grasp of the character and their story, particularly highlighting any changes from canon.