[Center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLjAyYjY5ZC5UV0ZrWld4cGJtVWdUR1YyYVc1bC4xAAA,/beyond-wonderland.regular.png[/img][/center][hr] [Code]The Reid Farmhouse[/code][hr] While everyone had decided to split up, Madeline decided to look around outside the farm first, before checking out one of the buildings. She wondered how the house looked like before it was abandoned, since at it's condition, it would fit perfectly in an old horror movie. Either way, the group was bound to find something, or the trip to the farmhouse was for nothing. Starting to walk to the garage, Maddie stopped in her tracks to see Claire and Justin getting attacked by an abnormal being, who she couldn't tell if they were a human or not. She quickly grabbed for the hunting knife in her pocket. Yet she was hesitant. The last time she tried to protect someone, she got a big gash on her stomach, and in turn her new healing ability. So what would happen if she tried again? Before she could run to the other two, another girl ran out of the house and finished the anomaly off. Only for a redheaded girl to arrive and get hurt. Once Maddie arrived at the garage, she stopped again to see a dreadful sight by the barn, one that she could've sworn her heart stopped at. The Hound was there. Not in her strange premonition, but [i]there[/i], with the group. That was her cue to run and hide. Running inside the garage before the swarm appeared, Madeline held her back against the door. [i][Color=paleturquoise]"Get me something to barricade this damn door with, hurry!!"[/color][/i]