Raven and Falcomon watched as Leomon unleashed his attack. Rather than join in, Falcmon nimbly returned to his partner's side. Both he and the masked thief were thinking the same thought. They weren't needed here anymore, Leomon was more than enough to settle things with this Maildramon. Falcomon offered a silent glance to Raven, who hadn't spoken a word since Leomon showed up. But all their years together gave Falcomon a near-perfect idea of what his partner was thinking. "If Leomon's here then that might mean..." "Don't." said Raven, quickly a coldly, "Just... don't. She's gone, and I'd rather not open that can of worms again." he wasn't trying to keep up the persona in that moment. He was Kaitou, rather than Raven, "Come on. Some of them aren't exactly our biggest fans right now. It's best if we make tracks and keep our distance." without any other words he... left. Or at least he moved to leave. He had no more intention of sticking around, especially if Leomon was there. That conversation... he just wasn't ready for it yet.