Bodo looked up at Trex as he asked him where he and Gyatsu had last been together and their guild, he pouted slightly, "We weren't part of a guild, Gyatsu couldn't decide on one... And and... We were on a quest three months ago.... and we went to bed... then... then.... Gyatsu was gone!!!" Trex continued to ask question, however, asking about them fighting clearly struck a nerve. Bodo shook his head madly, "No... Never!" Small tears gathered at the corners of his eyes as he sniffled. Although, a small smile appeared on his face with the promise of hope. Zelia stood when Trex turned his attention to her. She nodded at him, "Hopefully they'll know something... If not... He can always tag along with us... We travel enough and cover a lot of ground. I'm sure we could ask around a little for Gyatsu." Trex returned his attention the exceed, who was wiping his eyes when Trex asked his name, "B-Bodo..." He gave the two of them a nod when Trex introduced himself and reintroduced Zelia. They turned and started to walk to the wagon when Trex mentioned Skye and Flynn, "Oh," she said remembering what Flynn had said before she ran off, "They won't be coming back with us. They said while they were here they were going to check out the library, see if they can find and information on the colour keys, figure out where to head next. Soon the three of them walked out of the alley and over to Flynn and Sky. Flynn grinned at Trex, "Always," he looked down at Bodo and smiled, "Pleasure." Bodo smiled up at the both of them, "It's nice to meet you... Trex and Zelia are going to help me find my Gyastu." Flynn nodded, "Well isn't that nice of them. We should get on our way, hope to see you again, Bodo... See you guys." He walked away from the trio and started to head toward the library when, in utter amazement, Skye asked how it was possible that the cat spoke. He chuckled slightly, "He's an exceed. They come from a place called Edolas, which is apparently a pretty confusing place. They tend to ally themselves with true Dragon Slayers... So, Natsu has Happy, Wendy has Carla, and Gajeel had Pantherlily. They're pretty cool." ~ Zelia climbed up onto the cart and looked down at Bodo and Trex, "Well, come on, we've got ground to cover and we have to get these two home soon.... Unless you want them in your apartment," She said, teasing Trex. Bodo spread his wings and flew onto the seat next to her. He smiled, "Onward!"