The orc woman relaxed as the tension slowly died down. Thought she might get into another tavern rumble and ruin the chance of joining the group. Maira eyed the Bosmer as he walked out of the establishment to get some air. So that's why he despised high elves so much. Maira somehow shares the same sentiment, though she barely remembered her own family being burned alive by the forsworn, that feeling of loss and longing still lingered. She turned to Keldan, who was comfortably playing with her hair, she still made the orc woman slightly nervous. "Oh, did it looked that way?" she said tensely "I--was just simply trying to impress you my lady. I was not aware that people were paying attention. " and for the most part she did. She took a quick glance on the three. Maira's goal for discretion was ultimately unsuccessful, though she can't say it was a total fail. The whole incident did caught their attention, and was even considering on commissioning for help in search of the dragonborn. So far she's doing good, but she could imagine her mentors facepalming at her foolish attempt. "Though if I would make a suggestion on whom they should take, this group needs a dashing duelist who's quick on her feet." she turned towards the three "I havent personally introduced myself. Hi, I'm Maira. " she extended her arm in a laid back manner "Full time mercenary, part time business woman. How's it going?"