The President looked through the days newspaper. The country is weary. Stuck between the HaoBing Dynasty and the Oyashiman Empire puts the Joseon Republic in a diffcult position. It seems like many the mainland continent is growing weary of the Oyashiman Imperail Navy's aggressive naval expansion. Meanwhile, the state of the Hao Bing Dynasty deteriorates with each passing day. Joseon is playing catch up. The president reads on concerned. He knows that Joseon isn't the strongest nation. But at the same time, he is weary of possible aggression by other nations. Trade with the Oyashiman Empire is one aspect that isn't looked upon favorably by others. But its his nations largest sources of income. The possibility of becoming a part of the Oyashiman Empire isn't out of the equation. If push comes to shove, then he has no choice bu t to let the Joseon Republic merge into a province of the Oyashiman Empire. For now, all he can do is continue to industrialize his nation and prepare for any form of self defense. He must also prioritize forging stronger relations with the Oyashiman Empire.