[quote=@Dynamo Frokane] The effect that the angry video game nerd, gamingsins and zero punctuation has had on the gaiming community is so evident. We are stuck in perpetual teenage mode where dumping on games is edgy and cool and praise for anything has to be measured with a table spoon of 'meh' indifference. [/quote] If Gamingsins is anything like Cinemasins then anyone who enjoys that is probably a bad person who doesn't actually understand criticism. It's not only the fault of internet content creators who think talking in a funny voice and saying words wrong is a shortcut to both humor and critique, it's also the bevy of internet users who look at any professional review and go "Pssh, an [i]8 out of 10[/i]? You were clearly paid off by the developer" if it's a game they have no interest in or "Psssh a [i]6 out of 10?[/i] This is why game journalism is dying clearly this game is at least an 8" if it's a game they are hyped for. It's easy to criticize a game and it's easy to praise a game, but it's difficult to do either without it sounding like nitpicking or sounding like a shill and unfortunately the climate around the hobby makes it so those are the only two extremes people flock towards. If a game people are hyped for is great and reviewing well then it's validation, but if it gets a negative review then fuck that guy how dare he. Just look at when Jim Sterling gave Breath of the Wild a 7/10. People shouldn't take reviews as gospel or get hung up over a score. The score is arbitrary because two 5/5 games could be massively different due to genre or mechanics or whatever and there's no way people are going to cross reference with other games in the genre. But it's easy to just read the score and the little summary at the end instead of the whole review to get a better picture. Reviews represent one person's opinions on a product and in most cases it's an informed one. I'm guilty of shitting on games. I didn't really think God of War was anything all that special, for example. But unless the game is truly abysmal like Ride to Hell or whatever cheap crap gets dumped on Steam, there's bound to be something enjoyable or positive in a game that's worth pointing out. That's why a 3/5 game is arguably the hardest to criticize. Also if you get your video game opinions from 'comedy reviewers' and only like one person then what are you doing.