[@mattmanganon] I was thinking more like this: http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=220452 I understand your concern about power gaming, but I understand that I need to not play an OP character. She's pretty basic at the elemental business outside of red spells (ie fire, lightning, and earth). And even then, my goal is more about her personal growth as a character than about blasting everything to pieces. I've had this character in mind for a while and I just wanted to run her in something. I don't plan for her to be any more powerful or broken than your standard elementalist wizard/sorcerer from any other typical rpg. I see her as like maybe a lv 2 character. She's just starting to branch out into the newer stuff she's learning from across the multiverse and the Temur shaman she met has influenced her. Also. for the planes of interest, I'm pretty flexible. I'd prefer to avoid the darker planes mentioned in the profile for our first visit. Planes that work well with her include Shandalar, Zendikar, and Jund of Alara. But since most planes have some elemental forces, I can pretty much adapt to anything.