[hider=Experiment, if it's no good i'd do the other idea.] [center] [h1]Mari Yamato[/h1] [h3]The Hag[/h3] [url=https://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=2550894][img]https://safebooru.org//images/2449/b946f5f71911caa55382314a76aef32169bf616d.jpg?2550894[/img][/url][/center] [b][color=a187be]• Appearance:[/color][/b] Mari's appearance as a civilian is rather non-descript, although she usually favours hoods with skirts and boots, confortable yet completely form-concealing and plain gray clothes. She kinda looks your usual boring teenager hoodlum (most likely on purpose). As a magical girl, one thing that is noticeable is that her clothes are torn and ragged at several places, something that is quite unusual for a magical girl. (And hints towards her dilated experience). [b][color=a187be]• Name:[/color][/b] Mari Yamato [b][color=a187be]• Title:[/color][/b] "Herald" originally... nowadays it's "Hag" [b][color=a187be]• Age:[/color][/b] 17 (early 70's. Stopped aging due to a side effect of her powers) [b][color=a187be]• Emblem:[/color][/b] A small piercing located in her tongue. It is pristine white. Originally it was something else. [b][color=a187be]• D. Arm:[/color][/b] Spirit Orb: The tool of the magicians. A pure white, football sized sphere. The spirit orb amplifies Mari's magical powers, as well as being able to allow her to create sustained barriers, healing fields and antimagic fields. It also serves a focus to launch the more powerful ranged attacks of her arsenal. [b][color=a187be]• Magic:[/color][/b] Mari's magic is oriented towards healing and purification. Practically all effects her magic can cause can be replicated by her orb, creating a variety of field effects. [list] [*]Regeneration: Mari has always a strong self-healing effect, able to bounce back from the most grievous wounds as long as her emblem remains intact. However, this comes with the side effect of effectively locking her physical age in place. [*]Healing: Mari can bestow on touch the same strong healing magic she possesses. The orb can also create a field effect, albeit weaker of this magic. [*]Barrier: Mari is able to conjure a particulary strong magic barrier to defend against physical and magical attacks. This can also be used to create a safe haven by depositing the spirit orb on the ground. [*]Dispel: Mari is able to dispel and cancel hostile magic on contact. The act of dispelling, however, also prevents her from using other abilities, and requires concentration and effort. The Spirit Orb also allows this Dispel power to act as some sort of magic interference with other's powers, however it doesn't discriminate targets and she herself is affected as well. [*]Purifying Light: Mari's only attack, it comes in beams of holy light that exorcise all evil on contact. The bigger and more intense the beam, the greater the drain. Mari can theoretically use the Spirit Orb to carpet bomb an area as an ultimate attack, but this effectively has prohibitive drain and is meant to be used as last resort. [/list] [b][color=a187be]• Background:[/color][/b] Before this era of prosperity and advancement came to be, turmoil had been a long constant. Mari was born unto a different, more spartan era, and it was then when she tried to live humbly and honour her family, which had strong militaristic and traditional background. That is, until a great fire took place in several districts of Old Miso City. Trapped in the inferno and charred almost to death, she was visited by the Monitor in a hospital rife with the sounds of those wounded in the disaster. Power, in exchange of a sacrifice. Mari accepted, and the Herald was born. Ever since her first outings, Mari seemed to be different to the average comrade in arms. She cared not for her family, who had perished into the fire, nor mundane cravings and pleasures. She was overtaken by a sense of duty and discipline that more than one girl mocked and decried her as old woman trapped in a girl's body. Yet, in the end, she was the one left standing. Those smiles and scorns would be replaced by new faces as she became the veteran fighter of Miso city. But they would never be the same. She also found that even others got old, she just stayed the same. Still, Mari never once questioned herself or cursed the world. She just entrenched herself in her duties, rejoicing at each opportunity she saved someone, or someone smiled at her. Maybe there was no happy ending, and maybe her life could end alone and forgotten, but if she didn't step up and continue to fight, the Nightmares would win. Currently, Hag has resurfaced after several years, a grievous wound having had forced her into temporary retirement, long enough for the current volatile world of Magical girls to begin forgetting her existence... [b][color=a187be]• Inventory:[/color][/b] Mari has come to own a dojo in Miso city, and she poses as one of the younger instructors from time to time. The dojo is run by relatives, and she uses it as a base of operations. She also carries a fake emblem in her hand as a ring, as a lure to confuse the real location of her Emblem (Inside her mouth). [b][color=a187be]• Sample Post:[/color][/b] [hider] Another morning in Miso city, another tick in her life. The young girl, or rather the old woman trapped in a young body woke up slowly but methodically, and brushing her futon aside, began a series of exercises to stretch her stiff muscles. The wound's pain had receeded finally, and her arms now allowed full range of movement. Gone it was the pitiful crawl or the countless nights trying to purge out the extremely toxic curses out of her wounds, not knowing if she would perish, become a Dark Magical girl or both. "Morning." She said as she slid out of her door still in her pajamas, eyeing the sprawling corridor before her. A half asleep voice answered, as a toned male body squinted towards hers, just before realizing. "Oh, Mari-sensei, you're up early." The man said, adding strangeness to the situation. Well, it was early enough and they were in a familiar environment, so she let it go. "Kensuke-kun." She said, not bothering to hide her seniority. "I hope your body is ready for a spar soon. I've been too out of bed." Mari droned as she began to walk down her halfway. The male martial artist flinched as she walked past by. He did remember too well what those spars implied... Even without being fully awaken, the magical girl found her way to the kitchen, to fix up a quick breakfast. Her gaze looked outside, as she saw a couple of sparrows fighting over a worm, before a cat swatted one of them while both of them were distracted in the ground due to their scuffle. The remaining sparrow fled, scared. "Ominous." She muttered to herself. [/hider] [b][color=a187be]• Other:[/color][/b] Due to her dilated life experience, Mari has come to have a greater understanding of the world than the average magical girl, and she has practiced Karate for decades. While a complete mundane attack, it is useful in a pinch. She is skilled enough to even be able to use pressure point attacks and disrupt a magical girl's inner energy flow, effectively sealing their powers for a short while. (Usually just enough to retreat). Hag has also been long enough to have an urban legend about herself circulating. [/hider] I did a thing.