Something tinged in his arm, what was it? Though it happened when the lady touched him. [color=firebrick]" Wha- " [/firebrick] he said, baffled. Then when she was gone, he touched his hand... it's healed. Arvin got up quickly and rushed in the bathroom. In the washroom, he tested his magic, doing a simple enchantment, and sure enough, it was healed, and he did it with perfection. He then created a gateway to the New York Sanctum, about to go in, but he hesitated. Maybe Kama-Taj can wait... No, he needs to find the thief, though he- Arvin noticed he been there too long, so it's now or never. [color=firebrick]" Oh, fuck it! "[/color] he said, as the gateway closed he flushed the toilet, and went down on his seat, but as she came back, he said, [color=firebrick]" Hey, you have an inhaler? Because you just took my breath away. How's that? "[/color] he said, finishing his first shot.