[@Zeroth] [u][b]First Week[/b][/u] From the moment he was out of the egg, the tiny pale lizard scurried off into cover like its siblings, immediately beginning a new life. The first meal was an unfortunate cricket, the last of the first day came to be a small centipede. Then the second day passed much the same, a somewhat bigger white lizard crawling from rock to rock, nearly being discovered by a large rat was the most eventful thing to happen. Day three, his length was now as long as a man's forearm, and he found it increasingly difficult to keep hidden from larger predators. However, no incidents occurred as he devoured several more insects. Then came day four, and the closest call he'd had yet. He had just caught a large bug that was munching on something green when a large mass of fur just missed him as it attacked. The lizard immediately took off, darting from rock to rock as it was chased by it's would-be predator. The day ended with him hiding in a crevice, using the light gray scales on his back as camouflage among the rocks. Days five and six were much more cautious, only leaving cover to grab food before returning to a hiding spot. Finally day seven saw to the lizard laying eyes on its aggressor from before as it pounced upon an unsuspecting lizard younger than he, the rat seemed blind in one eye, with a scar going across it, and it seemed to be missing a bit of its tail. The rest of the day passed without trouble, only being somewhat sated by the insects that were its food for so much of its life so far. [u][b]Day of Awareness[/b][/u] Autopilot, that was the best way to describe the first week of his new life in this body. Most of it was now a blur in his mind, only the most dramatic events remained clear. Now he woke up with a reflexive yawn, something carried over from his past life, and the now fully grown white lizard stepped out of his cover. Now that he had his full wits about him, it was time to explore this cave, and see just where he was in this new life. First up, food. It was time for him to hunt for something other than bugs to eat, as he knew that insects would no longer be enough to sate his hunger. Well, unless he ate a lot of them. (Reoth is now hunting for some food.)