[CENTER][h2][color=#C9A281]Xiao Mei[/color][/h2][img]https://i.imgur.com/H0vRWf5.png?1[/img] [@SilverPaw] [@Searat] [@Duthguy] [@Bishop] [/CENTER] Given how their mother had responded, it seemed Dire Rats might not have the capabilities of speech. However, given how she just accepted this allowed Mei to conclude that other creatures were probably able to do so. The Fanged Lizard they had encountered earlier failed to utter a single coherent word as well; so that made two species for now. These held no real value, but it was just a habit of Mei to take note of such things. Her efforts to appear fidgety and distressed may have not been as fruitful as she would have wanted. She garnered no real reaction from the creatures around her, and it had seemed that Mother was gesturing that it was time to call it a day. It was amazing that Mei found it incredibly simple to understand their mother's intentions; it probably was some sort of pack-like link. As much as Mei wanted to stretch out the day a bit further, she didn't want to force the idea too much. Fortunately, as Mei was about to head towards their matriarch, the wisp that introduced itself as Lorek had rushed between their group and turned to the shining blue crystals close to them. This was an interesting opportunity that Mei could make use of. Worry and surprise were the emotions Mei was trying to convey as she gasped at Lorek who's attention seemed to have been preoccupied by something else. It was strange that he decided to take his attention away from the four dire rats that were simply standing around him. Was he too trusting or just careless? Not wasting any time lingering on such thoughts, Mei's gaze inconspicuously strayed towards where the wisp was staring at, hoping to catch whatever it was he was staring at within her periphery. Mei caught a glimpse of a scurrying creature; from its shape, it was most likely a lizard. Mei wasn't sure what Lorek was trying to do, but given the amount of focus he was directing towards it, it was obvious that the wisp was up to something. In her previous life, Mei was familiar with such a vibe; although faint, it was similar to what most would call killing intent, or at least intent to harm. This was the perfect chance for Mei to strike, but she was well aware that she still had to remain cautious. The other wisp that had introduced itself as Danny, appeared to have been focused on something else as well. Trying to exacerbate the facade she was trying keep up, Mei got on all fours and started to feign rapid breathing and jitteriness, as if she was ready to flee. Unfortunately for Lorek, this wasn't the case; Mei was preparing to strike. To be more specific, lunge at the wisp. He had positioned himself in between them, in a spot more accessible to Mei. He had approached the crystals and in doing so, lowered himself to the ground and gave Mei an idea on how fast he capable of moving. He was focused on the lizard running away from them; it was fair to assume that he was preparing for an attack. And lastly, the other wisp was unlikely to come Lorek's aid; he was hiding in the small wall crevice for a reason. The moment Lorek was about to let loose an attack, Mei was prepared to immediately capitalize on that moment and rush towards the wisp, with her fangs and claws ready for some evisceration. To deceive them and hide her intentions, all she needed was one massive [color=#C9A281]"Stttooopppppp!"[/color] while she'd leap in. If things went well, Mei would find out what it felt like to sink her teeth into something that looked so magical. Mei was prepared for any of the consequences that would follow. If her actions would be questioned, she was ready to lie and just say that she had panicked and was worried that the wisp was about to attack them. If Lorek had allies close by ready to lend him a helping hand, Mei was banking on Mother and her capabilities. Either way, things were surely going to get interesting.