Finished Aiko. [hider=Aiko Himura] [Center][img][/img] [hr][color=black]♤[/color] [color=silver]♧[/color] [color=red]♡[/color] [color=white]♢[/color] [color=black]♤[/color] [color=silver]♧[/color] [color=red]♡[/color] [color=white]♢[/color] [color=black]♤[/color] [color=silver]♧[/color] [color=red]♡[/color] [color=white]♢[/color] [color=black]♤[/color] [color=silver]♧[/color] [color=red]♡[/color] [color=white]♢[/color] [color=black]♤[/color] [color=silver]♧[/color] [color=red]♡[/color] [color=white]♢[/color] [color=black]♤[/color] [color=silver]♧[/color] [color=red]♡[/color] [color=white]♢[/color] [color=black]♤[/color] [color=silver]♧[/color] [color=red]♡[/color] [color=white]♢[/color][hr][img][/img] [img][/img][hr][color=black]♤[/color] [color=silver]♧[/color] [color=red]♡[/color] [color=white]♢[/color] [color=black]♤[/color] [color=silver]♧[/color] [color=red]♡[/color] [color=white]♢[/color] [color=black]♤[/color] [color=silver]♧[/color] [color=red]♡[/color] [color=white]♢[/color] [color=black]♤[/color] [color=silver]♧[/color] [color=red]♡[/color] [color=white]♢[/color] [color=black]♤[/color] [color=silver]♧[/color] [color=red]♡[/color] [color=white]♢[/color] [color=black]♤[/color] [color=silver]♧[/color] [color=red]♡[/color] [color=white]♢[/color] [color=black]♤[/color] [color=silver]♧[/color] [color=red]♡[/color] [color=white]♢[/color][hr] [b][color=crimson]• Appearance:[/color][/b] [hider=Magical Girl Form] [hider=Past (Pre-Corruption)] [img][/img] [Color=lightpink]Originally, Aiko's outfit in the past used to be alot simpler, with a pink and white lolita-like dress, and a pair of small angel wings.[/color] [/hider] [hider=Present (Post-Corruption)] [img][/img] [Color=lightgray]Now, Aiko's outfit has changed drastically, with a gothic red and black dress, boots, and a pure red cape.[/color] [/hider] [/hider] [b][color=crimson]• Name:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray]Aiko Himura[/color] [b][color=crimson]• Title:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray]Rosemary[/color] [b][color=crimson]• Age:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray]15[/color] [b][color=crimson]• Emblem:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray]A red, rose shapped belt buckle surounded by a few leaves carved from stone.[/color] [b][color=crimson]• Devil Arm:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray]What was once a beautiful scythe, with a wood-like handle, emerald green vines etched into it, morganite carved into roses, and a pure silver blade, is now a mechanical monstrocity, it's beauty replaced with red and black machines, and the vines replaced with silver chains.[/color] [b][color=crimson]• Magic:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray]Once, Aiko had the simple ability to manipulate the plantlife around her,creating vines to constrict and immoblize Nightmares. Now her vines are covered in poisonous thorns, and she can now create plant like monsters to fight with her.[/color] [b][color=crimson]• Background:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray]Before there was Rosemary, there was a girl called Eden. She used to fight Nightmares in a group of magical girls, as the youngest of the group, and the weakest. Every time they were thrown into battle, she would always end up getting herself beaten up, and wounded. Eventually Eden got tired of letting her team down, so she sought out a way to make herself stronger. During another battle with a Nightmare, she accidentaly absorbed it, instead of finishing it off like usual. Thus began her downward spiral into corruption. While Eden was afraid of what happened at first, she felt stronger. But it wasn't enough, she started to hunger for more power. So she began harvesting Nightmares, and ended up abandoning her team, who had tried to stop her from corrupting herself further with greed and megalomania. Either way, it was too late. Eden was gone, and in her place was Rosemary. Five years had past since then, and one day, Rosemary had a fateful encounter with a certain mascot.[/color] [b][color=crimson]• Inventory:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray][b]Grapple Gun[/b] - A grappling gun Aiko uses to get around Miso City, and reach higher ground.[/color] [b][color=crimson]• Sample Post:[/color][/b] [hider=Nightfall] [Color=lightgray]On the rooftops of Miso City, a young girl waited for any sign of Nightmares, looking down at the streets as her cape glided in the cold wind. [Color=crimson][i][b]"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine..."[/b][/i][/color] she sang to herself, a tight grip on her scythe. [Color=crimson][i][b]"You make me happy, when skies are- Huh?"[/b][/i][/color] Aiko caught sight of her targets. A group of nightmares, at a nearby alleyway. A mischevious grin made it's way onto her face. [Color=crimson][b]"Gotcha."[/b][/color] Grabbing her grapple gun, she made her way back down to the ground. Walking over to the Nightmares, Aiko whistled over to them to get their attention. [Color=crimson][b]"Yoohoo! Over here, Nasties!"[/b][/color] she yelled, slowly approaching the Nightmares as thorn ridden vines rose from the ground behind her. Recognizing her as a threat, the Nightmares made their fast advance, intending to suround and attack Aiko. Her grin grew to a cheshire-like smile. Giggling darkly, she leaped up into the air, and striked at the Nightmares with her Scythe. Tonight was gonna be fun.[/color] [/hider] [b][color=crimson]• Other:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray]Aiko hasn't been in contact with her old team since she left them.[/color][/center] [/hider]