[center] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjgwLjFmMjNjNy5VbUZwYmcsLC4w/billyforges-demo.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr] Rain awoke, pleased to note that it was still on the early side for the cave. Crispy's fire was dwindling, though if habit continued then he would be bringing it to a billow soon. Stretching, she considered her options. Breakfast and looking to strike Crispy from the records sounded like a good plan. She hoped to find that group from yesterday, before the big moron had intervened, but if it came down to it she might have to take it alone. With a flick of her tongue she set out, using her natural stealth and Muffle passive effect (whatever the hell all that screen stuff was) to avoid undue notice. It wouldn't do to awaken a pack of rats, for example. Looking up, something so many creatures and people forgot to do, she noticed a pixie near the wall, not far from some Mana crystals. It would be a small walk over, but keeping the Target from noticing her was crucial. It wouldn't be a big meal, but something was better than nothing.... She knew that well enough. Stopping, she took the time to pool her venom on a whim. Arguably couldn't she just have more venom per blob if she made the shot more..... Condensed? Was that the term she had heard before. Ideally this would take down the Pixie in a single go, but realistically she was more worried about hitting the Target.... Aim, aim.... And GO! Letting out the shot, Rain prepared to fire a second if she missed (or the damned Pixie lived, really).