[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=ForestGreen]Ayita Dyrkin[/color] & [color=Olive]Richard Laine[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://i.gifer.com/NXWb.gif[/img][img]https://i.gifer.com/IdAq.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [center] [b][color=ForestGreen]Location[/color][/b] Blackbird {"Loyalty."}[/center] [hr][hr] Richard gave Nina a charming from as she gave a disapproving look at his comments. It was merely a way to distract himself and keep calm in this turbulent time. Both Laines braced as the Blackbird shuddered, the hit making Ayita snarl defensively. Her arms wrapping about Allison like a mantling bird of prey. Her eyes had the same look of a cornered animal about them. To be expected when you were in the sky being chased by people who wanted to kill or held you! Her teeth grew into slight fangs as she looked to her bother, Richards eyes were nothing but cold fury. [color=Olive]"Can you perhaps focus on holding the Blackbird stable?"[/color] The elder sinking questioned Allison. His sister's rage focusing on him and quite ready to attack if Richard pushed the issue. [color=Olive]"Telekentic And all. Bite me Ay."[/color] He wasn't in the mood to play games with his sister, but the gleam in her eyes worried him. [color=ForestGreen]"Perhaps... Brother."[/color] turning her gaze to the other the wild woman tilted her head. [color=ForestGreen]"If we are over water, ocean or sea I might be able to lure them away."[/color] Richard gave a sharp hiss of distaste and several other words as to what he thought of that idea. If Ayita took the form or an orca. There was a risk she would not return. Her love for the creature ran deep and that was her weakness when swimming in it's instinct.