After the group separated Kyra did as told and maintained watch over the groups. She could hide easily even with nothing but shadows masking her body. She made sure to patrol between the group rescuing and Brannor, feeling that he in particular may need assistance since he is alone. Kyra watched the slave tent from a distance and spotted the two sentries guarding it. Before she would act she thought about how she could possibly deal with the guards in such a way that won't cause an uproar. She had a fresh assortment of spells, one which was Command. With nothing but a simple verbal component she could order a guard to leave, leaving only one to deal with. But if the guard was canny, he may suspect something. Alternatively, she could try to simple shoot them down with a Guiding Bolt, and have Brannor eliminate another guard just as swiftly. If their attacks struck true they would die before they could make a noise. But the act of assassinating the two guards would be noisy itself, and no doubt the camp was on edge for the newcomers. Kyra remained hidden, her bow in hand and an arrow ready to be launched. She was so desperately to kill [i]someone[/i]. She would be a bit disappointed if she couldn't spill blood in this place so full of heretics. [i][color=pink]"Calm down Kyra... That's not what you're here for."[/color][/i] Another idea she had was to send a flaming arrow into a tent or some supplies, cause a disturbance that way. She had her tinderbox and could easily wrap her arrow in some foliage to create a weak flaming arrow to light something on fire. Indeed Kyra went ahead and prep such an arrow but didn't light it immediately. She remained hidden for now and watched what the others did until she needed to intervene. [color=pink][i]"A hunter needs to be patient. And strike when it's most certain."[/i][/color]