[@Kazemitsu] The Night passed... Items Lost: Goblin Remains Dire Rate Remains Sleep came a bit hard for Edith. The more aware she was getting, the more things nagged her. Now she was recalling the voices she'd heard after her argument. She felt the anger, the hate, the betrayal of her daughter before hearing a smug over bearing voice tell her how things are done. How she was his, and how she was to pick her fate. Why a slime? Was she brainless? That was a retorical question. Considered the human look of a pixie or goblin, surely that would have been more her speed, but a slime? They were tough, they could eat... envelope... absorb everything. That must be why she did it. She wanted things. Her kids back, her life, and now they were gone, but she still wanted. Now, she wanted power. But how? Eating she could only guess. She woke up feeling not quite herself. While he didn't try to absorb her, she tried to absorb him in her sleep. She woke up enveloped over one side of his body, merged with it. It was a weird feeling, and the moment she realized it she pulled away with a terrible hacking cough. He'd be no worse for wear and she'd just more shocked by the surreal experience. [color=pink]"Blach ACK!"[/color] She rolled around trying to get the taste of slime out of her... slime. [color=pink]"Ugh... the hell was that?"[/color] She shoke it off, looking in his direction and seeing him essentially normal despite things. She seemed rather embarrassed. [color=pink]"Morning. Another day in paradise."[/color] she said sarcastically as she turned to face the tunnel they entered. [color=pink]"You got a plan for today. Cause I say we find more Soulled... or food. Thats probably the best way we get bigger, better. So it's come to this. We're amoeba."[/color] She sighed. [color=pink]"I used to be somebody, looked like a supermodel, had an entire branch under my name. What a ridiculous joke this is."[/color]