[@Jobst] [@Duthguy] [@Bishop] [@SilverPaw] [@Zeroth] Ed was relieved that all that were present were willing to talk to one another in a peaceful way. Even the mother rat from another nest seemed peaceful, or the very least passive, and even offered him a squeak that supposedly meant 'go back to your nest young one.' Seeing as everyone was on peaceful terms, Ed switches from lying prone on his back to on all fours again; ready to divulge information regarding this 'second chance.' That is until the other dire rat decided to charge at Lorek when he had lowerd himself with, what he could discern, harmful intent. His instincts kicked in, negotiations were clearly going to hell in a hand basket in mere moments. Ed needed to react now and chose ran in the opposite direction. Hoping that where ever location he would arrive in, it would be safer than here...maybe.