[center] [img] https://i.imgur.com/K9dXELV.png [/img] [/center] [center] [h3] Farm Shed ,Fuyuki Outskirts [/h3] [/center] Cold. It just had to be cold, didn’t it? Compared to the temperance of her home, the cold of Japan was almost inhospitable. Someone who had never seen snow in their life was almost chilled to the bone in her military officer outfit, the vivid blue standing out as if a beacon of sorts that seemed to display a degree of confidence in her actions, despite her shivering body, her arms folded upon her chest. Attached to her back, as one might expect some sort of rifle, instead was replaced with some sort of matte black bag with a reinforced sling strung around her shoulders. However, she had to fulfill the purpose she was asked to perform. The Matou were a friend of her Father; an old “business partner” of sorts. Kindred spirits who sought the same end result. They kept in contact, and a request to participate in a “Magi’s War” was presented to the “Inheritors of the Legacy”. And selected from them, much to the shock of her siblings, was none other than herself. The “black sheep” of the project, and the one no one ever believed would amount to anything. Perhaps she would continue this perspective, but she had a degree of determination to put all descentors their place. This was a war. And to be safe in a war is never an option. It is possible, however, to remove risk as it appears. Entering the city in her state might cause some people to turn heads; a foreigner showing up unannounced the day a backwater tournament were to occur might cause some heads to turn, though considering her rather small profile, and small profile, she might be overlooked. The risk was still there though. So doing the sensible thing, she entered the shed of a random farmer she observed carting away grain to presumably sell at a market and made use of his rather weathered-looking shed. Right before Benita was attempting to summon her Servant, a buzzing noise went off. An item she was given before this war had begun. A simple object resembling some sort of receiver. A mystic code of sorts that allowed for conversation between any two holding one of these devices. As per this mission, she had been given a support team that were either observing the war, or assisting in other ways. And giving the situation, she knew exactly who it would be this time. [hider=Call] [center] [img] https://i.imgur.com/45YVeBp.png [/img] [/center] [/hider] “Howdy there,” the man on the other line stated as if it were the most natural thing in the world. However, even with his rather comedic get-up, his voice appeared to slur slightly, as if England had not been his primary language. “I see you made it to the entry-point in one piece. Already off to a good start, ain’t ch’ya miss.” “Yes, I have arrived at Fuyuki, currently on the outskirts near the farmlands.” “Excellent. You’re, uhh, big musical doo-hicky should have arrived at the Matou house by now. I made sure it was in one piece before I shipped it for ya’.” “Piano,” Benita said, rather monotonously. “Come again?” “It is a piano. It isn’t a “musical doo-hicky.” “Well of course, little miss, Little. That word. He just had to use that word. “I don’t have time to play your games, “Wild Miller”. If you don’t have anything useful for me, I’m hanging up.” The word little was a rather upsetting term for someone like Benita to hear. Whereas her siblings might have been a lot taller than her, she was only 148cm tall, which did give her a rather childlike appearance. While one might expect her to perhaps grow during her life, she was at the end of her development cycle after she had been born, so it was not as if she could rely too much upon genetics there. “Right-o. Straight to the point. Can’t say I don’t like something like that,” “Wild Miller” said to Benita, seemingly laughing in bemusement at her something befuddled state.”Now the objective of this mission is to gain the Holy Grail. I would have gotten you a catalyst, but the one we were supposed to ship from that “Lord Brittan” guy appears to have been stolen, so you will have to make due with what you have. Supplies might be limited, but if I got something I could always send it over at request. It might just take a bit of time to do that. Aside from that, you are to protect the Matou estate from any dangers, and that includes Mr. Matou’s dog. It was specifically requested, after all. Shouldn’t be too difficult, even for someone like yourself.” “Oh? And what the hell is that supposed to mean? I’m don’t believe in playing flashy anyway, and ‘that’ Servant likely would not have been a good match for me anyway.” “Then go, let the legend come to life.” Infuriating. That man, according to Benita’s few moments spend speaking with him, appeared to be a nuisance, but there was no point in looking a gift horse in the mouth. Especially if that gift horse might actually have gifts. Either way, it was time to summon. Etching upon the floor her circle, which took little more than a few moments. Standing outside the summoning circle, like you should with a summoning circle, Benita began to chant. And at the end of this chanting came a ray of life that washed over everything around her. And standing in the middle of the circle was a tall man, whose body seemed to glow even brighter than the flash of light from her summoning. [@Breo]