[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/271031448755109888/452429537993818112/AchBanner.png[/img] [h2]Hero of the Rushed Life[/h2] [i]Farm Shed, Fuyuki Outskirts[/i][/Center] The figure materializing was nothing short of dazzling. A tall man, bearing the armaments of antiquity, clad in armor clearly superior to anything the modern world had seen in ages and carrying a spear slung across his shoulders. His figure — his essence — spoke of power and confidence. His features were handsome, sharp and strong, and his smile could have made even virtuous housewives blush. Yet, his eyes remained closed, as though basking in the feel of the artificial breeze and the cold on his skin. He took a deep breath he didn’t really need and — “You sure summoned a good Servant, huh?” He laughed aloud as he boasted with well-practiced ease, his tone all but dripping with undeniable pride. Yet, the youth seemed to be the sort that could absolutely back such attitude with skill and power. Rather, it was because he possessed both of those that he would show pride and laugh with confidence — because he possessed the proof to be called ‘a hero among heroes’ and he knew it. Therefore, he must act the part. He finally opened his eyes, genial — if arrogant — smile not leaving his features. “My class is Lancer, the name’s A—” However, he trailed off right at the end, a confused expression overtaking his features as he stared at the air in front of him. Then he looked to the left. And to the right. And, for good measure, he turned around, leaving his spear resting on his right shoulder as he used his free hand to scratch the back of his head. His brow furrowed, as though deep in thought, as he examined the area looking for [i]something[/i], but clearly not having much luck. His eyes trailed downward for the first time once he turned around once again, slit pupils like those of a raptor meeting the blue of the girl, but his expression only became even more complicated as he took in her attire, an eyebrow rising. “Uh. . .” He seemed to struggle to find something to say, as though he were not sure how to proceed — a far cry from the cocksure disposition he had showcased at first, and he squatted to be on eye-level with her. “Um, say, little miss. . .” He began, looking over her shoulder every now and again. “Would you mind telling me where’s your dad? Or your mom, I suppose. . .whichever one called me, I mean.” What was a kid doing there to begin with? Maybe they’d just botched it and he had appeared where he wasn’t supposed to? The circle did look correct though. . .so maybe they just weren’t in the shed, even if they were nearby. Yeah, that was probably it. The kid, however, was still an oddity. What was her excuse for being here instead of his Master? The situation was fishy. She [i]did[/i] look at him rather intently so maybe she. . . As though a lightbulb turned on in his head, he suddenly realized the truth of the situation. “Oh, if you want an autograph, it’s no problem, just take me to see your parents first.” Yeah, that would explain it, at least — if she was here, she probably was related to his Master, possibly a heir, and what sort of child wouldn’t want to see a legendary hero in the flesh (for lack of a better term)? Still didn’t explain the aforementioned Master being missing, but he could grill them for answers when they were in front of him. Or why the girl was dressed like that. The attire was weird, and he'd peg it as resembling some sort of military uniform of the time or other if the cup had given him the right knowledge, but was it really normal to dress kids up like that? Maybe she had some cute little costume party coming up? Maybe it was just some cute fancy? At least he dearly hoped it was that sort of thing and that it wasn't because his Master was a weirdo. Ah, but he was getting sidetracked. . . He put on his best smile. “So, what do you say? I’ll uh. . .give you sweets if you do?” He didn’t [i]have[/i] those, but he was sure that could be fixed quickly enough once everything else was sorted out. And he would fix it. After all, it would not do to promise something and not fulfill it. That was simply not how a hero acted, and he would feel terrible if he did that to a little girl besides. [@Phonic]