[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjBhOWFmZi5VMmh2ZG1Wc0lFSnZlUSwsLjAA/ringbearer.medium.png[/img] Elsewhere with [@King Cosmos], [@CriticalHit] and [@floodtalon]; Digging Towards [@Guy0fV4lor][h3]DAWN OF THE SECOND DAY[/h3][/center][hr] Digbie awoke to his face resting exactly within the crevice he had created for the group to sleep in for the night, though that was an accidental benefit of the matter. Really he just wanted to keep digging, so that's exactly what he did. This served three reasons in particular. Firstly, there was a benefit to be gained from digging so much. Specifically, he was semi-familiar with EXP systems as his friends explained them in great depth. When you worked on a skill, you got better at that skill in RPGs, as well as other aspects if the skill warranted the aspects to be increased. Digging with your bare hands, while taxing on the body, was definitely a good way to accomplish the increase of two skills in his head. One, his digging, which needed to be better if he was gonna continue it. Two, his strength, seeing as he was pushing rocks out of the way of his path. Secondly, digging a massive cave did allowed for the group to advance in specific ways to get to other points. He felt a heavy tremor from a specific direction, likely to be another person with powers similar to Digbie, Oberon, Orochi, and the... "Chuunibyou", as Orochi called her. Now, obviously there was no way to tell if he was right until he got there, but if he was right, then he could make another friend to dig with. If he was wrong... oh no. Thirdly, Digbie just wanted to dig. The other goblins called it an addiction, but Digbie knew it was destiny. The goblin finally turned to face his friends as he saw his handiwork. He wasn't really sure how much he had dug, but he knew that it'd take a few meter sticks to measure up to how far it was. Maybe. It was hard to gate how much you've dug when you were used to being around two feet taller. [color=00aeff][b]"Whaddya think, friends?"[/b][/color] Digbie called as he picked up his <[b]Stone Spike[sup][sup]TM[/sup][/sup][/b]> and <[b]Curved Rock[sup][sup]TM[/sup][/sup][/b]> from the tunnel floor. He must've passed out carrying them when he got too tired of digging. [hider=Inventory] + <[b]Stone Spike[sup][sup]TM[/sup][/sup][/b]> + [u]<[b]Curved Rock[sup][sup]TM[/sup][/sup][/b]>[/u] [/hider]