[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/6eVnYgo.png?1[/img][/center] "Yeah!" Kai said happily as he continued towards the shrine. "I can start helping people properly again, instead of just getting beaten up all the time! It's gonna be great!" When he reached the shrine though, he paused for a moment, trying to figure out how to open the door without dropping his giant bundle of wood. Reluctantly, he took one hand away from the pile, immediately pausing when he felt the pile shudder. However, after about a minute of [i]very[/i] slow, careful movements, he finally managed to open it without dropping anything too big. "Hey guys! I have superpowers!" He shouted gleefully as he walked inside. "Look at this pile! And the weedy little beanpole body! This shouldn't be physically possible!" And then he placed all the wood beside him and sat down right in the spider free area that, unknown to him, had been the subject of a great battle of wits.