[center][img]https://auto-motor.at/Bildschirmhintergrund/Lykan-Hypersport/Lykan_Hypersport.jpg?v=1459990572&version=teaser[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Thunder McQueen [b]Nickname(s):[/b] Thunder, Thund'ah, McQueen, Ms. McQueen, The Thunderbolt. [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Quote:[/b] "I was thinking about why I choose to race, and I know why. It's because life is hard, and it's nice to go escape and have a good time. If I can give others hope, love, and a future, then I've done my job". [b]Voiced By:[/b] Reese Witherspoon (in her younger days) [b]Theme Song:[/b] [hider=Hardcore Country by Mickie James][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMQ0wDmiBjQ[/youtube][/hider] [b]Occupation:[/b] - Street-Racing Champion (on parole; retired) - - Rookie Sports Racer (as "World Prix" replacement) - [b]Relatives/Relationships:[/b] - Lightning McQueen (older brother; teammate). - Luigi & Guido (pit crew; tire managers; teammates). - Fillmore & Sarge (fuel managers; teammates). - Mater (friend; crew chief; teammate). - Mack (friend; teammate). - Lewis (friend; former agent). - Sally Carrera, Finn McMissile, Holley Shiftwell (friends). - Jackson Storm, Chick Hicks, Francesco Bernoulli (racing rivals). - Radio Macintosh (racing rival/crush). [b]Type of Car:[/b] Lykan Hypersport [b]Top Recorded Speed:[/b] 245 Miles Per Hour, 395 Kilometers Per Hour [b]Acceleration:[/b] 0 to 62 miles per hour in under 2.8 seconds [b]Type of Engine:[/b] 3.7L Twin-Turbo F6 [b]Horsepower:[/b] 770 [b]Transmission:[/b] 6 Speed Sequential Manual [b]Personality:[/b] Thunder is a strong-willed yet spunky car, who makes sure to always be fair and embrace who she is. On account, she is a lover of adrenaline, and a car of surprising strength, speed, and agility. An avid athlete, her experience in racing has made her become more wary of others' needs and faults, as she is also very observant. Despite her struggle on being a pacifist, Thunder can get passionate and rather hot-headed whenever a nerve is struck, or whenever things don't go her way. She usually vessels this trait towards following "automobile" rights, to the point of being respectful to other automobile types, including lemons and rusty cars. Thunder is all about female empowerment, and the social inclusion of all-female cars, which highly influenced her decision to step into the world of racing. Even though she was extremely outnumbered by the males, she gives it her all to enjoy herself in the thrill of competition. [b]Distinguishable Traits:[/b] - She greatly resembles a 2017 Lykan Hypersport Supercar, one of the first, highly-performed sports cars in the Middle East. - She shares a few traits with Lightning McQueen, like his Southern accent, signature baby-blue eyes, as well as the race number 95. - Has an extremely-tough but luxurious, titanium/carbon-fibered body, with choppy-impressioned shapes and lines from her front and sides, along with a sliced, sharp bottom-edge upon her rear. - She is one of the first cars to have 220 diamonds embedded in the blades of her LED headlights. - There is also a massive vent just at the back of each wheel for reduced air pressure, giving her better control over her driving. [/center]