Look I also doez poetry. This is if Do'Karth succeeded in his assassination attempt on the Mane and managed to get away. [hider=Do'Karth] Crimson flows through us all From the highest man to the lowest one When one’s life seeps into the sands We all look the same when we are gone Oh how the mighty have fallen A spear in the dark came from a defiant hand Finding purchase within the Mane A leader selected by Alkosh’s will Aboard a palanquin finds his refrain Like all men a journey forced to end A simple betrayal carried on without thought The assassin slips away into humid night A purpose sown from years before Resolve shown when the time was right He thinks nothing of the doom he’s wrought Even so the assassin finds himself empty Did he not deliver his people liberty? A kingdom not ruled by Men or Mer Nothing he thinks will dull the epiphany The desire for redemption is tempting Even so the pay rewards are fine Recognition and infamy sully his name He leaves his people with orders in hand Another life to be taken all the same It will all be worth it this time [/hider]