Siera stood there with a shocked look on her face. "what in the... how the hell did he get over..." then all the sudden she heard the anchor fell and crash into the water. one at a time the crew members reacted quickly big head leaping high into the air. Once klank had finshed with his bike he was off "hey now Don't leave with out me!!!" she yells while running after klank. "And who says im not already!" Siera leaps into the air and raises her left hand freezing the water in front of her. Before she lands she she waves her right hand over her feet and forms ice skates on the bottom of her feet. "you just make sure you can keep up Mr. Fix It" She took off fast after the ship thinking about weather or not she was gonna like that guy or kick him in the face once she beats him to the ship! She couldn't help but to think carefully about what he had to say because if this big head guy is as good as he says he is then this is gonna be one hell of an adventure. "I just have to keep an eye on that damn weapon!" she thought to her self while flying through the air over the waves. "That thing creeps me out, and why does it have to make things this difficult! we haven't even done a leg day yet"