[color=silver][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/QpvNoey.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/yxE7pYm.png[/img][/center] [indent][indent][hr][center][color=goldenrod]• [b][i] Ifrise Forest[/i][/b], [b][i]Sovereignty of Dryadalis[/i][/b] •[/color] [sub][/sub][/center][hr][/indent][/indent][indent][indent] So, there was a mix of good and bad news concerning Zestasia’s landing from the barge to the forest ground. On the upside, he didn’t break any bones or fracture any major ligaments that would otherwise make him a burden to those around him. He also didn’t harm anyone else on his way down, so that was a plus. But, as it always seems to be the case with Zestasia, there was a bit of bad news. You know how the Ifrise Forest was a sacred ground for those who dwelled within it, like the animals and weird forest people? Well, Zestasia wasn’t exactly sure, but on his way down, he without a doubt punched and kicked through several branches. And he was almost positive that they wouldn’t be able to grow back. Oops. But hey, at least he wasn’t harmed. That’s what was most important. Yep! Yep! Yep! All of that aside, Zestasia was able to take in the sights of the forest. This was actually the first time he was [i]this[/i] close to the ground level of the Ifrise Forest. He always stuck to the countryside and city limits throughout Vitae. Plus, unlike his worldly brother, Pagonia, Zestasia wasn’t what some would call an ‘outdoors kind of guy’. Nope, he was the sort of guy who’d rather [i]sneak[/i] into taverns and pubs and cause a little mischief within the comfort of the various towns, villages, and city-states that this world they all live in has to offer. It shouldn’t come as a shock when Zestasia didn’t particularly feel at home in this forest. [color=daa520]“Just let me say that being here in this forest isn’t my strength, so you wonderful people will have to be my guide--” [/color] Cut off mid-sentence by the devilish screeching of those god-forsaken birds, Zestasia jumped, looking all around him for the source. It was only a single moment later that a portion directly in front of them that put all of those questions that had formed in Zestasia’s mind to rest. And it was with the sight of a grim light show that Zestasia started to experience something he hadn’t felt in a long time: the genuine, gut-wrenching feeling of fear absolute. Zestasia, for a moment, had the thought of retreating. Like, who needed magic, anyway? Life was too complicated with it, right? Plus, Zestasia could get used to the forest life. Being a nomad, living off the land? What’s not to love? But then Zestasia came back to Planet Vitae. He knew that wasn’t exactly the choice he needed to do. Yes, he was afraid. And yes everything about this and everything in him was telling the blond teen to pack his shit up and go. Though, let’s face it! Zestasia wasn’t one to listen to that voice in his head. [color=daa520]“Last one there has to admit they like me!”[/color] Zestaisa was [i]mostly[/i] joking, shooting Etoile and Little Red a wink. Then he took it upon himself to be the first to run in the direction where the screeching madness was doubtless at.. Deep down, he knew he was going to regret this. [/indent][/indent][/color]