[quote=@sassy1085] WIP [hider=Adalie Charilette] [center][h1]Adalie Charilette[/h1] [img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/0aed/th/pre/i/2016/186/3/6/aot_snk_oc___iris_silva_by_hyochii-da8uknn.png[/img] [color=a36209]"You know, I hear that drawing calm down the nerves. That's what my mom taught me"[/color][/center] [sub][b]Name[/b][/sub][hr][indent]Adalie Charilette[/indent] [sub][b]Nickname[/b][/sub][hr][indent]Abby, Ada[/indent] [sub][b]Age[/b][/sub][hr][indent] 16 [/indent] [sub][b]Appearance[/b][/sub][hr][indent]Height: 1,59 cm // 5.2 ft Weight: 61 kg Birth Marks: Two on her face, and little ones in her back[/indent] [sub][b]Biography[/b][/sub][hr][indent]A paragraph or two. Pre-colossal.[/indent] [sub][b]Personality[/b][/sub][hr][indent]At least a paragraph.[/indent] [sub][b]Statistics[/b][/sub][hr][indent]You have 50 points to distribute as desired. Should reflect your character's appearance. • Physical Strength: 7.5 • Speed: 5 • Teamwork: 6 • Leadership: 6 • Skill (Gear): 6 [/indent][/hider] [/quote] Remember you have 50 points to spend.