Hao Bing Kingdom Things are further spiraling out of control within the kingdom. The socialist movement, though minor is still wreaking havoc across the western region of the kingdom. But there are also rouge militias within the western region battling for control. Meanwhile the pro monarchists continue to support the national army in attempting to maintain control over the land. In these times, the Emperor had no choice but to reach out to the Oyashiman Empire for assistance. Relations with the Empire aren't bad. Infact without some of the Empire's supplies to the Hao Bing Kingdom, the Emperor would not have been able to arm his men and the monarchy loyalists. His adviser informs him that the leaders of the pro monarchists had arrived and the Emperor told his adviser to let them in. Bowing before him, the men of the pro monarchists faction. "I've summoned you all here to inform you one thing." "Our grip on civil control is losing. We have to ally ourselves with the Oyashiman Loyalists. There is no other choice if we are to get weapons. I have already sent my minister to the Empire to negotiate a new arms trade deal. Whatever the Oyashiman EMpire demands in return for its aid, we must accept." "But I will also be sending your militia to train along side the national army, in order to improve military training and readiness."