[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/oZBnJ69.png[/img] [COLOR=silver][b]TEAM 12 SENSEI[/b][/COLOR][/center][hr][INDENT][sup][COLOR=silver][b]TIME:[/b] [i]9AMish[/i] | [b]LOCATION:[/b] [i]BBQ Restaurant[/i] | [b]INTERACTION:[/b] [i]Miyako[/i] [sup][@MesuOkami][/sup], [i]Team 12[/i] [sup][@Syn][@Odin][@j8cob][/sup][/COLOR][/sup][/INDENT] Is it possible to fall asleep while standing up? Koko had thought it improbable before, what with innate shinobi paranoia and need for constant vigilance, yet she was swaying on her feet. The Amekage was powerful, had an aura, but Koko really was not interested in the whole charade of the ceremony. She was of the mind that every academy sensei should personally plant a boot on an arse and kick the students out into the real world, without all the theatrics. It almost felt like fingers were dragging her eyelids down, it was so hard to keep them open. For a second, Koko had relented and let herself sway into a fuzzy place where she vaguely knew what was going on but was still drifting off somewhere else. A startling series of [i]thunk, thunk, thunk[/i] niggled in the aware part of her brain and when her shoulder knocked into Miyako’s, Koko snapped back into attention. It’s raining. Natural or did the Amekage do it? Miyako might have an inkling that she was falling asleep. How irritating. Koko summoned the last dredges of energy in her body and tilted her head in the general direction of Miyako. [b][color=EB9675]“Lovely ceremony, isn’t it? Yogensha-sama has such a way with words, it was like I was hypnotized.”[/color][/b] Koko doubted that would trick Miyako into thinking she [i]hadn’t[/i] fallen asleep, but the insincere words were worth a shot. If Miyako replied, Koko would side-eye her and perhaps leave it at that. The redhead pressed her lips together and readjusted her straw hat, her fingers instantly being drenched in that single moment. Which students were hers? Koko wouldn’t even have a hint at who would be under her questionable tutelage, considering the information regarding them was currently untouched on her coffee table. She didn’t bother sticking around after the ceremony. Later that night, Koko hunkered down on the floor and scratched out notes to her genin. Surrounding her in her little apartment were crumbled slips, rejected versions that were deemed too aggressive or too callous. Koko would like to be perceived as polite and perhaps a bit affectionate to her genin, it would be easier in the long run for them to see her as a nurturing person. If they trusted her and she appeared understanding, they would be able to confide in her and that would solve a lot of problems right off the bat. [b][color=EB9675]“Polite and affectionate, polite and affectionate,”[/color][/b] Koko murmured like a mantra as she wrote her sixteenth draft. [b][color=EB9675]“Pet names? My precious genin? No, too affectionate.”[/color][/b] In the morning, the now official Team 12 would wake up to a nice, decorative scroll on their pillow. An obvious misstep for Koko in her attempts to be affectionate and erring into slight creep territory. Whether they were unnerved or impressed or perhaps even irritated, Koko wouldn’t know – honestly, the thought wouldn’t have even crossed her mind that they would react in any way other than surprise. Mostly, though, she hoped those little fuckers appreciated her efforts because she wasn’t going to try that hard again ever. [indent][indent][quote] [b][color=EB9675]My Sweet Genin,[/color][/b] In a week’s time, meet at the Academy grounds. Please be there around 9:00 am sharp or you will miss me! It would be a shame to miss your first meeting with your sensei who is looking forward to meeting you very much. [indent][indent][b][color=EB9675]Sincerely,[/color][/b] [indent][b][color=EB9675]Koko-sensei[/color][/b][/indent][/indent][/indent][/quote][/indent][/indent] On the day of their first meeting, when they arrive at the Academy, they will find their Koko-sensei nowhere to be seen. However, if they are observant enough, they would find a trail of small orange origami cranes. The trail would lead the genin to Koko’s favorite barbeque restaurant and they would be greeted with the sight of their great and powerful sensei stuffing her face with beef. Her little trail trick was less of a test and more to keep them busy while she ate. Afterall, it shouldn’t be too hard to see the orange cranes – even if they are the size of a coin. When they arrived, it would be way too early for her. She expected to see them around this time, but it didn’t mean she wanted to see them anytime soon. Still, Koko gave them a smile that crinkled her eyes and caused her cheeks to bulge from the beef still in her mouth. Koko gestured to the other side of the booth with her chopsticks, silently telling them to sit while she finished chewing. While they were shuffling into the seats, Koko took the distraction to peak at her palm which had their names and kekkei genkai painted on it. Damn it all, the ink smeared. She couldn’t tell if their name was Kasumi or Kazuya, Asashio or Atsuko, Satoko or Sawako. The jonin shuffled the meat that was cooking on the grill in front of her, and grinned again at the genin. [b][color=EB9675]“I hope the cranes didn’t get wet. I tried placing them where they would be relatively dry if it rains.”[/color][/b] Fuck, Koko doesn’t know what to say now. She reclined, placing one of her arms over the back of the booth and placing another strip of beef in her mouth, chewing slowly in hopes she appeared thoughtful and assessing. Maybe they would think she was sizing them up, or maybe they would assume she was thinking of their future plans. In reality, Koko was attempting to find a polite way to figure out who the fuck these kids are. If she left it alone, they were bound to drop each other’s names at some point on their first mission. The question is if she could bluff her way until then. There was always the solution of having them introduce themselves, but she would have to fluff it up with other questions and Koko couldn’t care less about their dreams and aspirations. What was more important to Koko, putting forth more effort to pick up their names due to her own improper studying of their files or having to listen to them talk about themselves? The answer was obvious. [b][color=EB9675]“Well, my sweet genin,”[/color][/b] Koko started after swallowing, [b][color=EB9675]“here’s our first mission. Tada!”[/color][/b] Koko flourished the scroll she pulled out of her pocket, waving it emphatically but with a lazy tinge to her arms. Carefully, and politely, Koko placed it on the table and pushed it towards the trio. [b][color=EB9675]“Go ahead and read it. It’s always important to familiarize yourselves when presented with information.”[/color][/b] Unlike her, the poor sensei who didn’t even know the names of her genin. [hider=Onsen Cleanup][indent][color=black][b]Mission Name[/b][/color]: [indent]Onsen cleanup[/indent][/indent] [indent][color=black][b]Mission Rank[/b][/color]: [indent]D.[/indent][/indent] [indent][color=black][b]Description[/b][/color]: [indent]Several hoodlums have taken over a local onsen not far from the village. Although the onsen sees a lot of traffic from regulars, including some of the village upper brass, this has died out now that a group of travelers has taken over the onsen and transformed it into their personal party house. Asides from public drunkenship, they have destroyed the property -- the onsen owner wishes for a peaceful resolution as they have already suffered enough, and Yogensha agreed to send a group of genin to scare the travelers away. [/indent][/indent] [indent][color=black][b]Special Equipment Required[/b][/color]: [indent]None.[/indent][/indent] [indent][color=black][b]Reward[/b][/color]: [indent]1000 Ryo for each member of the team, plus a 200 Ryo leadership bonus for the team leader.[/indent][/indent][/hider] [b][color=EB9675]“It’s at an onsen. Doesn’t that sound fun?”[/color][/b] Koko readjusted her straw hat. [b][color=EB9675]“What do you guys think? You think you are up for the task?”[/color][/b] Koko would wait politely until all of them responded to her questions – whether they wanted to respond or not. If they wanted to keep quiet, she would stare them down and keep smiling until they answered her. Not because she cared what they said; because she asked a damn question and she’s the boss, she [i]will[/i] be answered when she wants to be answered. No genin punk is going to defy her, even over something so small as that. [b][color=EB9675]“Now, then, any questions?”[/color][/b]