As if to prove it the fact that she wasn’t stupid, the Noir shield was thrown infront of Taka it’s I field dispersing the powerful beam of the Beam Magnum. As a testament to the power of the rifle,, the streams of scattered energy spread out and turned several Space debris into dust. [color=92278f]”You’re welcome. Well as he said let’s take out this Chunnibyou bastard!”[/color] King wasn’t the only one who polished a skill to perfection, Miyuki had one too, a skill she polished all her life. King’s movement was unreal, most people wouldn’t be able to keep up with it, however, as the Red comet streamed across the stars, the Gemini turned it’s rifle to the mobile suit’s direction. Miyuki was born without the ability to recognize faces, as such she had to use other ways of identifying the person, her skill was observation. Translating it into Gunpla, she was able to pick up on almost every little movement of the mobile suit and then using that information to deduce the movement patterns of the opponent. Tiger and Dragon as they say, their perfected skills were opposites of each other. King had the skill to make the enemy lose sight of him, but Miyuki has the skill of never losing the sight of an opponent. Miyuki sighed, she wanted to fight him on her own terms. She may have hated King, but there was some sort of respect for him and wanted to go at him, one on one. Heck, she had an entire upgrade planned out for the Gemini and had modified parts of the Gemini in preparation. Well no use crying over spilled milk, she could get another chance. Miyuki pulled the trigger and the Beam Magnum blast flew, but not at King. Rather it decimated a large chunk of debris turning it into of field of shrapnel and Shards forcing the Red comet to slow down. The issue with high speed movement based suits was that GBN at least followed the basic laws of physics. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Moving at max speed in a shrapnel field would cause it to turn into a mass of bullets, shredding the Mobile Suit. Miyuki called out to both Taka and Isamu. [color=92278f]”Well your turns guys, I didn’t bring my damn bazooka with me, so I’ve only got beam ranged weapons.[/color]