[center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/SbOnutVyWJznG/giphy.gif[/img][/center] [color=#6d8383] Science has brought us many great inventions: organ transplants, solar power, air conditioning. But every once in a while, science veers off the road of human interest and does something...unsavory. The Holocaust experiments, the Totskoye nuclear exercise, The Guatemala syphilis experiment, all experiments by humans, on humans. Some could argue that such cruelties are the reason we have the modern medicine that we have, that there may be a silver lining in the horrors of our past. But the subjects of those experiments would probably beg to differ. Enter the heroes of our story. Created in test tubes and locked away, could one really say they are human? Part man, part animal, these kids were never give a chance at a normal life. The facility that created them goes by Chimera. It's a very well hidden, private company that may or may not be partially government funded. They were trying to create super soldiers, using the DNA of different animals to create humans with different abilities. Many of these experiments resulted in the subjects' death, but one batch seemed to have succeeded: Project Daedalus, the winged children. These kids, like many before them, were born and raised at the facility, never knowing an outside world. Some of them featured DNA from other species, but all of them were part avian. Their wings, the pride of the scientist's who created them, gifted them with flight. As they grew, they were taught basic education: Math, reading, science. They were also trained for their eventual purpose: super soldiers. These kids were faster and stronger than a typical human being. Their bones, super light, were harder, their muscles where more efficient, and their lungs were more powerful. Once full grown, they would win any fight with a regular man. However, as they grew into their teen years, they became harder to control. They longed for freedom. Knowing that they were eventually going to be used as weapons, they were determined to escape their fate. And, one stormy night, they got that chance. The mutants fled into the wilderness that surrounded the base, staying together as a flock. With only each other to rely on, they must now survive a world that they've never seen before: Modern Society. [hider=Resources] Discord: https://discord.gg/agvGQpY[/hider] [b]Rules:[/b] 1: The "Flock" as they call themselves, will consist of six or so kids, ages 12 to 19. 2: All of the kids will have bird DNA. One other animal can be mixed in, if you so desire. 3: This is all based on the Maximum Ride book series, more specifically, the first two books. In the traditional style of Max Ride, the kids will have to avoid being caught by mutants who are loyal to Chimera, the batch of Project Manticore. These experiments consist of human canine and human feline mutants who have all been brainwashed into being the loyal lapdogs of Chimera. They have been sent out in droves to find and return the bird kids. Playing one of these guys is totally an option. [b]Character form: [/b] Name: (Feel free to give them off color names. They pretty much named themselves) Age: Gender: DNA: Personality: Appearance: Other: History: (Optional) [b]Character list: [/b] [u]Flock:[/u] 1: Flick 2: Mal 3: Rook 4: Dizzy 5: Crash 6: [u]Manticore:[/u] 1: Seven 2: 3: [/color]