Regulus had observed what was occuring on Galbar through the Reflection Well. He became concerned about the happenings that occured in his absence. Seidhara and Larwen could no longer be found through his scrying. Gremju had created a new foul demon from himself. A new god had been born, and with it, it has flooded with the world with a volatile substance through a maelstrom of energy. And for the briefest of times, he had thought that someone had stolen the moon, through it must have been the stress of the other events. The lights of Menagerie Castle dimmed, and then went out in instance, and then returned. Looking upon the leaves of Yggdrasil, they were all a golden hue. The lights once again flashed, and he felt something welling inside of him. It burned. All he could do was release it. In that instance, he opened his mouth and there was the deafening sound of thunder. After of which, the light returned to the castle. Appearing back to Yggdrasil, the tree once again had leaves of ruby, sapphire, and emerald. But they were in different positions than before. The red leaves grow from the center of the tree, and to their right was the blue leaves, and to their left was the green leaves. Before him was what he had conjured, a tiny spark of electricity. It began to spark and grow and float into the air. It quickly had grown and shaped itself into the form of a monstrosity bird, growing slightly larger than the tallest Sylvan. The lightning began to snap and crackle, as it came together to form a body for the creature. Other than its size, it had the appearance of a common hawk, other than that it had both blue and brown feathers, and its eyes were deep red and lightning would occasionally jump off from its wings. Aurum was curious as to what was happening when the lights went off, and the strange sound, and so was draw to Yggdrasil’s chamber. When he saw the giant bird, he was immediately interested. It had wings like a griffin, but was quite different. He was drawn to it, and began to walk towards it without Regulus noticing he had entered the room as he was preoccupied. The monstrous bird was startled by the presence of this new entity, and flung its wing backs and threw them forward, sending a bolt of lightning towards Aurum. Regulus quickly noticed this, and then noticed Aurum, and he quickly interposed himself between the blast, absorbing the brunt of the attack, but some of the lightning arc'd past him and hit Aurum. Regulus threw his hands towards the creature, and it immediately went still, landing gently on the ground. He then turned his attention to Aurum. After quickly checking him over, he was mostly fine, but there was a burn on his right arm, just above his elbow, from where the lightning hit him. Regulus went to heal the wound, but he was to drained of energy. He then took his spear and began to walk over towards the bird with his spear drawn, until he heard Aurum’s voice, “Please don’t hurt it.” Regulus tensed his grip on the spear, and then loosened it, putting it to its side. This was one of his creations, he should not just destroy it. But it is to dangerous to leave within the castle. It is possible that he would have use for the creature later. He turned to Aurum, and nodded, “Very well. But it can not stay within the castle.” He went over and touched the bird and spoke, “I name you the thunderbird. For now, you will go to the Island Turtle, and roost there, defending it and it’s young. That is your task for now.” he said, and it disappeared, only to reappear in the cave on Galbar. The thunderbird then took flight. [hider= Summary/Might Usage] 1 Might Used to Create the Thunderbird Regulus Level 4 0 Might Left 3/8 to Level Aurum Titles: Envoy of the Lion, Lightning-Scarred. Had 4 prestige +2 Prestige for being in a post -2 Prestige to gain Title “Envoy of the Lion” -2 Prestige to gain Title “Lightning-Scarred” Prestige Total : 2[/hider]