[@Blueflame][@Eviledd1984][@Searat][@KatherinWinter][@LightningMaiden][@Argonaut] [color=a0410d]"We should have a talk with Dispatch when we get back to HQ."[/color] the Djinn suggested, taking a long draw from his cigarette and swallowing the butt as he prepared to enter the sewers with Griffin; then his radio came to life with Richard's report, "[color=a0410d]Dammit, no more time for subtlety."[/color] Argus set off at a sprint alongside Griffin, his facial features burning away to reveal a reptilian snout with slit eyes under which rested a pair of small pits. He flicked out his newly forked tongue and took a sharp turn to the left, [color=a0410d]"Griffin, they're this way!"[/color] he advised, [color=a0410d]"Follow my lead and we might reach them in time."[/color] the Djinn advised as he followed the God-touched mortal's scent through the labyrinthine sewers. The closer Argus got to his quarry, the stronger the stench of the shadow demon became, and he mentally prepared himself for a fight when he began to hear the sounds of concrete being torn apart. The Djinn would wait until he had a chance to assess the situation before transforming any further, but he was ready if it came to that.