With earth bastion flipped upside down, and falling, Sue didn't have much time to get out of there. She was able to unbuckle her harness and fall onto the roof hatch, which was now under her. She spun the hatch open as quickly as she could. When it popped open, the falling ship forced air into the small chamber. Sue's body was picked up and thrown towards a small viewing part. With a yelp, Sue transformed back into a bird and was forced out of the earth bastion. Sue didn't even need to spread her wings. The falling tank was moving so much air that it forced the familiar out of the way. Once sue was completely clear of the ship, she spread her wings in an attempt to regain control. But she was so dizzy that she ended up gliding along the surface of the ice. “Owww....” Sue blinked until the world came back into focus. She could see everything. The castle, her scattered allies, their beaten but undefeated foes. Without the earth bastion's cannon, Sue had no way to participate in the fight anymore. She could only hope this was enough. That her effort would ensure the rest could finish the fight. It sounded dramatic, and even a little hopeless. But that wasn't entirely true... Sue looked away from the fight. Amber's pirate hat rested on the surface of the ice. That's right. Amber was inside the castle. She was going to beat Justine, save Lilly, and restore Penrose to its former glory. Amber liked to pretend that she was a tough pirate, but Sue knew she wasn't like “real” pirates. She was heroic, noble, and sweet. But she needed help. Sue picked up the hat in her talons and flew towards the castle. It was time for them to start functioning as a unit again.