The explosions rocked the town, even as Abigail found herself dragged to a rowboat. She glared at her captors as she did her best to retain her dignity and pride. In the boat she held her head high, keeping the fear of what was to come as well as the fear of getting killed in the raging fight, from her face. She was surprised that the fight was still going on. The pirates must have come fairly prepared though even with the surprise attack they had to be stupid. One didn't attack a British fort with just one ship. Especially one this. Even with the surprise attack, Port Royale was a pretty strong defensive place and as the garrison quickly responded, they would push the pirates out. Part of this was evident in the town. From where she could see, Abigail noted that the other rowboats were pulling away from the town even as British regulars came down from the garrison slowly regaining control. Shame it had taken them too long. If she survived this, she'd probably have to give them some points on how improving their response time. IF she survived. The thought brought a chill down her spine. Her best bet was to hope they would ransom her. She was a high valued target and that might convince them to try and ransom her back to her father. Of course, he, in turn, would undoubtedly pay but then hunt them down, wiping every last one of them out. Abigail was no fool. She loved her father and knew he loved her, but her love wasn't completely deaf to the knowledge that he was very strict and one didn't oppose him. She could get away with a few things because she was his only child. And despite being a girl - which usually was a paux for an only child - she knew she just had to smile at him, maybe bat her lashes a little and he'd usually give in. Not that she played that card well. It didn't always work - just once in a while. Being pulled onto the ship and then tossed at the feet of what was evident to be the captain, Abigail quickly pulled herself up to at least a seated position. Her chin lifted as she stared up coldly at the man. She couldn't hide her surprise at his politeness though it quickly became evident that there was really no emotion behind it. Which in turn made him far more dangerous in some regards. "I concur, their manners do need to be checked. But I can easily dismiss this," she paused and looked around her before looking back at the captain, "misunderstanding if you kindly provide me a rowboat back to town." She doubted it would work but if he was going to pretend to be honorable she was going to push him on it.