[center][b][u]Fendryn[/u][/b][/center] As everyone stood around watching the man ritualistically butcher the elk, it was the innkeeper who first broke the silence after turning very pale. He chucked two pouches to the other twos feet and ran back towards the inn as quickly as he could move. Fendryn didn't really blame him for wanting to leave as quick as possible, the dark elf had grown up watching animals being skinned and butchered, even doing some himself, but the way in which the unknown man had cut apart the animal didn't make Fendryn feel well. When the innkeeper was out of sight, the Altmer tried to start a conversation with him trying to break the slight tension that was in the air. The answer the high elf got was a rather arrogant one, but as he wandered around inspecting the scene and piecing it together was fascinating to watch, Fendryn couldn't help but be very impressed wishing he could do that himself. His admiration for the mans skills disappeared as he soon as he said the phrase, 'Ash-Face.' Fendryn knew it was an insult to his race but he'd never heard someone actually use it before. "Ash-Face?" Fendryn said in shock. Straight away Fendryn felt on edge being around him. The man was dressed like a barbarian and Fendryn had no idea what he could be capable of. He tossed the crossbow towards the girl so his right hand was free in case he had to grab an arrow to fire at the Breton.