[i]The following was originally from Advance but made a new thread due to lack of interest. [/i] The year is 2015 the next holy grail war was about to start once more with the church, and mage association preparing to take on new masters, and heroic spirits they were naively blinded by the fact that there were still people out there who were willing to exploit the grail. Many years have past since the Fuyuki Grail War, and with the loss of the greater grail more smaller grail wars had been propping up all over. A small faction in Poland known as the Grey Family have summoned several servants in violation of the Grail War's rules. It's their intent with this current move is unknown but the Grey Family were known as mage supremacists who believe that magi should rule the world not the common people, and it is speculated they wish to use the servants, and the grail in order to win over the world to their way of thinking. They have held fast in a castle forming battle strategies as the mage association prepares itself to deal with the threat. While standard grail wars were done by a servant to servant basis fighting in singles combat until one group remains Scouts sent to deal with threat were met with swift brutal retaliation and as such the only way to deal with this threat is to summon more servants to combat the 'Red' Faction. Met with fierce resistance initially the mages association has finally come to a conclusion that the threat in question must be dealt with. As such they had sent calls to several different magi be it allies of the Association, or mercenaries. The church has also proclaimed it's support for the Mage Associations 'Black' Faction as the brutality of Red has proven both disgusting, and an insult to the rules of the grail war. Hoping to wipe out the enemy faction the mages are gathering in London to summon their servants. The clocktower magi in London seek to assist the mages in their attempts at destroying Red Faction before they arrive in Poland in order to defeat enemy summoners. Ruler has said to have already arrived in Poland to await what is to happen. However there is more than just a grail war looming over the heads of the magi for when they fight in Poland something doesn't seem quite right even more so than usual. With dark clouds in the horizon will Black Faction be able to overcome the Red Faction's power? ==== Hello everyone this is a typemoon roleplay based off Fate/Apocrypha but it is not a complete rip off it. There will be no characters like Sieg entering the midst, there will be differences compared to the anime/book, and other changes may be implemented. None of the canon characters/servants will be involved minus perhaps the servants who are allowed within power limits (characters like Gilgamesh (Archer/Adult), and Heracles/Hercules (god hand like abilities are too strong to allow into the roleplay. Because you can't hurt them without a B+ or A ranked Noble Phantasms, and you have to do it multiple times in Herc's case). To make clear servants with high stats are allowed characters with broke abilities aren't. [hider=Examples banned servants and why] Gawain - His noble phantasm theoretically gives him an unlimited boost in the sun as long as he's in it. While this can be circumvented at night he is an absolute nightmare to handle in the day, and afternoon. Jack The Ripper - Jack's phantasm is not an all encompassing instant kill but if you are female, and it is night time its rather easy to get off if it is night. On top of that memory erasure is a bitch in a roleplay setting. How am I as gm suppose to deal with a character who memory wipes upon leaving somewhere? King Hassan - Unlike Jack Hassan is literally the embodiment of the meme 'Teleports behind you "nothing personal bro"'. He's the OG Hassan for a reason. Kiyohime - Her stats are shit but she turns into a dragon. How many servants do you know of that routinely are capable of fighting dragons that aren't named Siegfried, or Gilgamesh? Karna - He's pretty much the Grand class Lancer. He's almost untouchable in power his phantasm is anti-god for crying out loud. A look at his statistics should show you why he's strong. Merlin - He's THE mage. He's not Solomon (hello cloud of Excalibur level blasts) but he's damn real as a threat in any circumstance. When you think of western magi you think of merlin, and his stats/phantasm reflect that. [/hider] I'd like people to keep in mind that I can allow nerfs to allow some characters like Lancer Cu Chulainn in as he has an instant kill move that hits a person's heart I can't let that sort of move fly. What's the point of a powerful opponent when you just fling your nigh unblockable time space bending spear through their heart? If you're unsure, or need help picking/making a servant you may ask me and I will do what I can to help. [hider=Long list of FAQ's] You may be a servant, or a master though I encourage you to play both in order to more easily weave the roleplay together. You may have a pick of any of the classes not already chosen. Remember if a partner leaves this roleplay I'm controlling all the NPC's, plus a set of my own I can't likely hold onto more characters. I intend to play a pair. I will wait to see who we need before picking my classes. If anyone wants to know my preference it goes Saber, Lancer, Rider however I will play the other classes if need be. Magic in this rp will go by a DnD system of things were you can only cast one spell so many times before you need to let it cooldown usually for a long rest period. For example "I use fireball!" "3/4 uses left for the day". The alternative is a long, and tedious custom system that I'd need to develop just to measure the arbitrary limits of the Nasuverse magic. Servants MUST be from existing legends, or fairy tales. Modern servants aren't allowed the most I'll allow is someone like George Washington, or a already canon modern servant like Billy the Kid. The characters may not be from other fictional works such as Guts from Berserk. The cut off is roughly around the spanish american war, to world war 1. In the event that we don't get enough people for this roleplay the left over spots will be NPC Magi from the church, or mage association. Enemy magic will be mostly nonstandard. They will be using a lot of illusionist, curse, and trick based magics as that is their family's specialty. Keep that in mind. With that being said we will have some of our own to counteract some of their stuff. Some characters will be biased in this roleplay. Pre-existing affiliations will make them gang up on a player character should they (the player) chose to insult, or deride them in some way. Why was this moved from advanced to casual? Because there is a lack of interest like I said. This can still work as a casual roleplay. I'll be looking for up to four/three people to start this. Why is my name in the title of this thread? Because I feel A LOT of people look into a type moon roleplay see my name after looking at it, and immediately leave. For one reason or another people don't seem to like me so I'm just saving myself from disappointment of checking in and seeing names that i know won't show actual interest. [/hider] Any other questions you have may go below. If you're interested say so below.