[h2]Michael Angie[/h2] "Amusing" was Michael's first impression of Gilgamesha. She sounded like she had much to tell about the Ascot family, among other things. He wondered how much information he could get out of her. Before he could finish follow that train of thought, however, William came over and promptly fainted. Michael looked over at him for a second, slightly concerned, then determined that he was fine and left him alone. As Alexander went off to drop William off, Michael returned his attention to Gilgamesha and began to ask her some questions. As he was about to, though, he was hit with a sudden urge to yawn. Michael's mind began to feel a little foggy; perhaps it was his exhaustion finally catching up to him. "I'd love to chat some more, but I think it's about time I got some rest myself. Need to tend to some injuries of mine, too," Michael said to Gilgamesha. "That being said, though, I could do with a ride home."