[center][img]http://otomechannel.net/system/comments/images/000/620/450/original/image.jpeg?1499164523[/img] [color=f26522][h2]Ikazuchi Hiroko[/h2][/color][hr][color=gray][b]Shrine - ???[/b] [/color][hr][/center]Kaito's optimism brought a smile to Hiroko's face. Help others huh? What he did say about always getting beaten up did worry Hiroko, but then again, bullying was frequent. She could guess that this guy tried to stand up to face thugs or something. Ah the heroic souls of others. Hiroko just can't fathom how someone that knows he is physically weak could even think of standing up to others. Shrugging to herself, she followed him back to the shrine. If he was carrying all that load, if something were to come to attack them, it certainly wouldn't spell good for them. She watched Kaito try to open up the door. Hiroko would have offered her help if Kaito didn't look so focused on doing it by hismelf. After a few agonizing seconds, Kaito managed to open it up. Hiroko didn't seem to react to Kaito saying that he has superpowers. She grabbed some of the firewood and then placed it on the free area, also unaware of the fight between Izuna and Toshinari. Grabing her lighter and a piece of paper from her bag, she lit it up and then placed it under the formed firewood. [color=f26522]"Admittedly, I have no idea how to make fire."[/color] She said honestly. [color=f26522]"So if this doesn't work, you all cannot blame me."[/color] She then sat down beside the firewood, waiting for the fire to eat the wood - undisturbed by the fact that there are some cobwebs here and there.