[@Jangel13] [@Wildman13] [@Darked13] [@demonspade64] [@Guy0fV4lor][@Kheliop][@Crusader Lord][@ReusableSword] [center][h1][color=00a651]Hogoblin Zats[/color] [/h1][/center] When he arrived at the lake and noticed Gina wasn't there Zats decided to check the rabbit nest in the tree stump. On the way there he let his mind wander about how to obtain magic. He could think of four different ways, two of which would have to be last resort kinda things, since he didn't think Shirila would be too happy if he used them. Those two idea's were contacting the god of Magic and make a deal and trying to see if [b]Gravekeepers spirit[/b] somehow allowed him to do more than just draw strength from skulls. Of the two other options, one relied on there both being a book on magic in the church and him being able to read it, which was frankly unlikely. That left one option to try, seeing if he could control plants like the Eternal Mother. Not expecting too much the first time he started by seeing if he could somehow sense something from the many trees and plants around while making his way to where he suspected Gina was. [hider=Zats] EXP: Inventory: [list] [*]Rabbit-spear, [*]Rabbit hide-loincloth, [*]Sharp bone, [*]Everoak Shield [/list] Acquired Skills: [list] [*][b]crush[/b], [*][b]knowledge of the three[/b], [*][b]pole arm combat beginner[/b] Through training has learned how to better strike at an enemy weak point and able to keep their enemy at a distance [*][b]creaturologist[/b] Through training has learned how to better strike at an enemy weak point and able to keep their enemy at a distance [*] [b]Military Strategy [u]Centurian position[/u][/b] [*] [b]Gravekeepers spirit [/b] All goblins are able to feel the strength of those that have long since passed. When near a dead body or a skeleton the goblins are able to draw strength without the requirement of being necromancers. Even carrying a skull as an adornment allows the goblins to be stronger, faster, lighter as they draw strength. However, drawing all the strength of a certain dead body or their parts will cause it to disintegrate into dust. [/list] Titles: Blessings: Curses: [/hider]