Name: Rook Age: 17 Gender: Male DNA: Common raven (Corvus corax) Personality: He comes off as somewhat socially awkward. He tends to talk to himself unknowingly, and has some trouble starting conversations with others. His speech pattern is off, and he has a tendency to repeat himself. Above all, he is a mostly rational and logic-based person, who sometimes has trouble expressing his feelings. He's a hard person to get to know, but you can tell he appreciates you none the less. Appearance: He's tall, standing at 6'2", and extremely thin. His hair is a very short brown, almost a buzzcut, and his eyes are a pale blue. His skin is extremely pale, due to lack of sunlight. His wings are that of a raven, and are a solid black, contrasting his skin tone rather distinctly. He is usually seen wearing a light grey t-shirt, and similarly colored sweatpants, along with a pair of dark grey sneakers. Other: He has a habit of fidgeting, and has trouble staying still. He suffers from mild claustrophobia. History: Compared to his peers, he scored lower in physical trials, and it was believed that he would probably make a poor soldier. However, he scored highly in all his academic classes, always getting perfect grades. The scientists quickly realized that he had a great intellect, believed to be a result of his raven DNA (After all, ravens are exceptionally intelligent birds). Starting at the age of 13, he was slowly participating in less physical activities and more mentally challenging ones. At the same time, his contact with the other experiments was limited, to the point where he spent most of his time in a box, listening to a voice give him increasingly advanced problems to solve, in order to test his intellect. This had a crippling impact on his social skills, and he grew to hate the confinement and isolation. When the escape happened, he was more than happy to be free of the cage which had become his home.